
  • 网络education;big education;broad education;Macro Education
  1. 校长职业化与大教育观

    Schoolmaster professionalization and macro - education viewpoint

  2. 职业化校长必须确立科学的大教育观,努力培养自己与新的时代要求相适应的素质和能力;

    A professionalized schoolmaster must acquire a scientific macro - education viewpoint , foster his quality and capabilities adapted to new era requirement .

  3. 从大教育观的角度看我国大学英语教学改革

    College English Teaching Reform Based on the World View of Education

  4. 华大教育学院的建立有着深刻而广泛的历史背景。

    Max had been found . Its establishment had profound background .

  5. 小邹鲁,大教育,文化事业繁荣兴盛。

    Small Zhoulu with excellent education shows its prosperous cultural background .

  6. 大教育背景下的社会美术教育研究

    Research of Social Fine Arts Education under Comprehensive Education Background

  7. 其“大教育”思想的框架具有战略性、全局性和全民性;

    The Greater Education idea is strategical , overall and wholly national .

  8. 今天网络化时代的教育即开放的大教育。

    Today 's net-work education is the great open education .

  9. 三大教育理念与工程人才培养体系

    Engineering Talent Training System Guided by " Three Comprehensive Education Ideas "

  10. 大教育中的艺术教育

    Education of Arts in the Macro Teaching A Big Cheater

  11. 浅谈市场经济引起的十大教育观念变化

    Brief Comments on the Ten Changes about the Educational Concepts

  12. 对形成大教育意识具有富有成效的实践意义。

    Form consciousness of great education , and has great practical significance .

  13. 构建大教育、大培训法规体系的若干思考

    Thinking on Establishing Legal System of Large-Scale Education and Training

  14. 关于探索我国大教育管理学学科建设的刍议

    On the Construction of the Subject of China 's Grand Educational Administration

  15. 幼儿教育是一个幼儿园、家庭、社会三位一体的大教育系统。

    Infant Education is a trinity system of kindergarten , family and society .

  16. 电视新闻学教育要大力增强四个意识树立大教育的新闻学教育理念

    Four Important Ideas of the Education of TV Journalism

  17. 新时期大教育体系中学区体育功能的社会学辩析

    Analysing the Function of School District Physical Education in the Society Reformation Era

  18. 孔子教育思想延伸的当代四大教育支柱

    Modern four education pillars from Confucius education ideas

  19. 大教育观下的数学教育

    Mathematics Education under the View of Great Education

  20. 这种具有近代意义的大教育观在一定程度上影响和推进了中国教育的近代化进程。

    His modern educational view influences and carries forward the modernization of Chinese education .

  21. 为完善传统高等教育的结构体系,使其包容、优化并发展网络教育这一新兴的重要分支,完成“穷国办大教育”的目标,促进和完善网络教育势在必行。

    To consummate structure system of traditional higher education , network education must be developed .

  22. 工人阶级转型的有效途径是接受现代教育,为此就要加强精神文明建设,就要全方位实施大教育建设。

    The way of change is to strengthen the construction of inspirit civilization and education .

  23. 社区教育已从开始的青少年学校社区教育转向了大教育观念的社区教育,社区教育迅速和健康地发展,并由城市推向农村。

    Our concept of community education has turned to big-education idea from juvenile school community education .

  24. 我国是处于社会主义初级阶段的发展中国家,经济基础薄弱,穷国办大教育,国拔高等教育经费不足将是相当长一段时期内我国的基本国情。

    Lacking of higher educational fund will be a basic problem in China for a long time .

  25. 实施大教育、大培训战略,培养急需的各类人才;

    Implementing the macro education and macro training strategy to cultivate various talented people in great need ;

  26. 穷国办大教育的现实要求我们必须大力发展民办高等教育。

    The reality that backward country running big education request us to develop the Private Higher Education vigorously .

  27. 华大教育学院还是一所教育研究机构,致力于研究基督教教育如何在中国发展;

    Secondly , it was an institute , mainly researching the Christian education how to develop in China ;

  28. 新体制下罪犯教育改造工作创新的对策是:创新观念,树立教育为先、教育为本的大教育观;

    The answer to the above is : to reform the thought , set up general education view ;

  29. 出书的全部收益将捐给“美国教育”和“新教师计划”两大教育项目。

    Proceeds are to be donated to two education programs : Teach for America and The New Teacher Project .

  30. 穷国办大教育的重大决策&广播电视大学的制度设计

    The Significant Strategy of Running Big Education in an Underdeveloped Country : the System Design of Radio and TV University