
dà niánɡ
  • aunt ;wife of father's elder brother
大娘 [dà niáng]
  • (1) [granny]∶尊称年长妇女

  • (2) [aunt]∶大伯的妻子

大娘[dà niáng]
  1. 老大娘特别为伤员炖了一只鸡。

    Granny cooked a chicken especially for the wounded soldier .

  2. 那水果商把一些坏桔子混充好的卖给了那位老大娘。

    The fruit seller palmed off some bad oranges onto the old lady .

  3. 张大娘春风满面地站在大门口,等待从城里来的儿媳妇。

    Aunt Zhang , her face radiating happiness , stood at the door waiting for her daughter-in-law who was coming from town .

  4. 她装老大娘真像。

    She acted an old woman and really looked the part .

  5. 老大娘在服务站成天跑跑颠颠的。

    The old lady bustles about every day at the neighbourhood service centre .

  6. 苏笑柏的《大娘家》、周思聪的《正午》则采用了简括的写意手法。

    Su xiaobai 's grandmother 's home and Zhou sicong 's noon time use pithy and simple sketches .

  7. 老大娘搬进了新房子,喜欢得无可不可。

    When the old woman moved into the new house , she was as pleased as she could be .

  8. 体弱多病的薛大娘一人独居,举目无亲,相当孤单

    Valetudinarianism Aunt Xue lives alone and friendless , is quite lonely .

  9. 我们经常帮那位老大娘提水。

    We often help the old woman carry water .

  10. 塞缪尔L杰克逊也退缩了,他的意图简单粗暴:“如果那位大娘……成为总统,我就滚到南非去。”

    Samuel L Jackson , who had been succinct in his intentions , also backed out . " If that mother ... becomes president , I 'm moving my black ass to South Africa , " he said .

  11. 只有那位女仆马格洛大娘,稍微有些噜苏。

    Their only servant , Madame Magloire , grumbled a little .

  12. 我们准备让她和徐大娘住一起。

    We 're going to have her live with Aunt Xu .

  13. 老大娘的仁慈心地使她受到这一带所有人的喜爱。

    Granny 's kindness endeared her to everyone in the community .

  14. 马格洛大娘撕去了全部的纸。每张纸上都有一匹马的画像

    On every piece of paper is a picture of a horse

  15. 大娘给你下碗水饺吃。

    Aunt will give you to eat a bowl of dumplings .

  16. 那个年轻人要把自己的座位让给老大娘。

    The young man offered the old woman his won seat .

  17. 吴大娘走了进来,后面跟着她女儿。

    Aunt Wu came in , followed by her daughter .

  18. “哥,您听见马格洛大娘说的话没有?”

    " Did you hear what Madame Magloire is saying , brother ?"

  19. 德纳第大娘说,“难道先生就要离开我们这里吗?”

    Said Madame Thenardier ;" is Monsieur leaving us already ?"

  20. 马格洛大娘连叫喊的力气都没有了。

    Madame Magloire had not even the strength to utter a cry .

  21. “给过了,早给过了。”德纳第大娘说。

    " Yes , it has ," said Madame Thenardier .

  22. 小林,你把刘大娘送到门口去吧。

    Xiao Lin , you might see Aunt Liu to the door .

  23. 他不愿带他的妹子,也没有带马格洛大娘。

    He would take neither his sister nor Madame magloire .

  24. 老大娘通过帮助别人洗衣服谋生。

    He old woman made a living by washing clothes for others .

  25. 马格洛大娘有时仍不免提心吊胆。

    Madame Magloire alone had frights from time to time .

  26. 那位老大娘的话深深地印在我的记忆里。

    The old woman 's words were deeply impressed on my memory .

  27. 老大娘草屋的屋顶在夜间塌下来了。

    The roof of the granny 's hut came down during the night .

  28. 刘大娘很高兴王来看她。

    Aunt Liu was very happy about wang 's coming to see her .

  29. 四大娘和老通宝他们都放心地松一口气了。

    Old Tong Bao and his daughter-in-law were able to relax a little .

  30. 约瑟芬大娘很讲究道德规范她一点儿也看不惯马丁。

    Aunt Josephine is very straitlaced-she doesn 't approve of Martin at all .