
  • 网络limousine;Large Car;Large Sedan;Full-Size Car
  1. 那辆姗姗来迟的大型轿车沿着汽车道开了上来。

    The dilatory limousine came rolling up the drive .

  2. 离下一趟大型轿车开车还有多长时间?

    How many minutes do we have until the limousine leaves ?

  3. 一辆大型轿车嗖地从他们身边驶过,拐进了大使馆的大门。

    A large car swished past them and turned into the embassy gates .

  4. 随后,福特将推出一款中型SUV、一款大型轿车,以及林肯领航员(Navigator)大型SUV的一个车型。

    A midsize SUV , a large sedan and a version of the brand 's big Navigator SUV will follow .

  5. 如今,沃尔沃投资110亿美元开发了自己的制造平台&可扩展产品架构(scalableproductarchitecture)。这个SPA平台将被用于生产沃尔沃全部大型轿车、新的四缸发动机以及许多新的零部件。

    Now it has spent $ 11bn developing its own platform – known as SPA , or scalable product architecture – for use in all its big cars as well as new four-cylinder engines and many new components .

  6. 如今,沃尔沃投资110亿美元开发了自己的制造平台——“可扩展产品架构”(scalableproductarchitecture)。这个SPA平台将被用于生产沃尔沃全部大型轿车、新的四缸发动机以及许多新的零部件。

    Now it has spent $ 11bn developing its own platform - known as SPA , or scalable product architecture - for use in all its big cars as well as new four-cylinder engines and many new components .

  7. 他说他父亲已经有了一辆奥迪a6(一种德国产大型轿车),但让他来找一辆家用轻便车。

    His father already has an Audi A6 , a big German saloon , he says , but has sent him to find a family runabout .

  8. 对话3大型轿车送你去旅馆

    Dialog 3 the limousine drops you off at your hotel

  9. 王说他想买一辆大型轿车。

    As for Wan , he wants a bigger automobile .

  10. 过去美国人喜欢大型轿车,那时汽油很便宜。

    Americans used to like big cars , and gasoline used to be very inexpensive .

  11. 国外大型轿车在道路穿梭不息;关于国外大型轿车的广告牌更是成行林立。

    Large foreign cars fill the roads ; billboards with advertisements for large foreign cars line them .

  12. 这位工程师还希望清楚地表明,此车不仅是另一家大型轿车。

    The engineer also wants to make it clear that this car is not just another large saloon .

  13. 她拥有成功的女实业家应有的一切装备&大型轿车、名牌服装及一所漂亮的房子。

    She has all the accoutrements of the successful businesswoman & large car , designer clothes and a beautiful house .

  14. 沃尔沃(Volvo)新的中国董事长想要让这个瑞典汽车品牌成为高档品牌,并制造一款大型豪华轿车,与宝马(BMW)和梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)直接竞争。

    Volvo 's new Chinese chairman wants to take the Swedish car brand upmarket and compete directly with BMW and Mercedes-Benz by building a large luxury saloon .

  15. 一辆大型豪华轿车开到我们站的地方。

    A limousine drew up to us where we were standing .

  16. 然而这样的业绩主要取决于大众旗下豪华型的新生力量-奥迪。一辆防弹大型豪华轿车

    Yet this performance is largely due to Audi , the burgeoning luxury wing of the VW group . a bulletproof limousine

  17. 李书福表示,沃尔沃拥有造大型豪华轿车所需的技术和研发能力,且其所有车辆的价格应更高。

    Mr Li said that Volvo had the technology and research and development capability needed to build a large luxury car and command higher prices for all its vehicles .

  18. 中小型的轿车和SUV的价值很可能优于大型的豪华轿车及SUV,因为前者的采购价格更低,续航里程也更长。

    Small and midsize cars and SUVs are much more likely to represent a good value than large and luxury sedans and SUVs because of lower purchase price and better mileage .

  19. 我想要一辆大型的私家轿车。

    I want a big sedan .

  20. 一个年青男孩窃取了一辆大型的豪华高级轿车,目的是赢得偷车帮的尊敬,希望能参加他们的帮会。

    A young boy steals a luxury limousine to earn the respect of a gang of car thieves - hoping to join their gang .