
  • 网络loud voice
  1. 他红脸膛儿,大嗓门,一天到晚乐呵呵的。

    He had a red face and a loud voice and jolly ways .

  2. 因为她的大嗓门,我们注意到了她。

    We paid attention to her because she spoke in a loud voice .

  3. 他那大嗓门像雾角一样刺耳。

    He 's got a voice like a foghorn .

  4. 威廉有一副大嗓门,说起话来粗声粗气。

    William had a loud , braying voice .

  5. 有时候,有些人只要一打电话就会开启大嗓门模式,就好像他们并不是靠手机信号来传输自己的声音,而是在通过大喇叭传话一样。

    Sometimes , some people just cannot help yelling1 whenever they are on the phone , it seems that their voice is not transmitted through phone signal but via a speaker .

  6. Brooks和Siciliano说,把你的皮包给犯罪份子,转身逃跑,以最大的大嗓门大叫。

    Both Brooks and Siciliano say to give the criminal your wallet , turn and run while yelling as loud as you can .

  7. 我提到,我偶尔曾想通过想象中的遥控器,调低餐馆里大嗓门人士的音量,还曾想点击印刷版杂志上不存在的超链接,期待它会像在iPad上那样,把我带到不同的页面。

    I mentioned the occasional desire to turn down loud people in restaurants with an imaginary remote , or touch a nonexistent hyperlink in a printed magazine in the hope that it will , as on an iPad , take me to a different page .

  8. 几次通话中的明星人物是达尼埃尔基耶西(daniellechiesi),这位大嗓门的前对冲基金交易员用粗话告诉拉贾那纳姆,她为获取公司信息付出了哪些努力。

    Starring in several calls was Danielle chiesi , a brassy former hedge fund trader , who used coarse language as she told Mr Rajaratnam about her efforts to obtain corporate information .

  9. 一个大嗓门的人把那个睡着的孩子吵醒了。

    A bull of Bashan woke the sleeping child with his noise .

  10. 你们好,有人想试试大嗓门么?

    Hi . uh , anyone want to try the big voice ?

  11. 只有大嗓门的代表们能于听众听到他们说的话。

    Only the leather-lunged representatives could make themselves heard by the audience .

  12. 噢,你刚惹了一个职业大嗓门,小伙子。

    Oh , you just screwed some major league pooch , pretty .

  13. 不要冲我大嗓门说话!

    Don 't you raise your voice to met !

  14. 美国喜剧女演员伍皮·戈德堡是个大嗓门,披着一头长发辫,长着一嘴大牙。

    The American comedy actress Whoopi Goldberg is all voice dreadlocks and teeth .

  15. 这些南方的绅士,他们不会大嗓门的炫耀自己,像我们一样

    These southern gentlemen , they 're not loud and show-offy like us .

  16. 我并不认为你是不幸的。大嗓门说。

    " I do not call you unfortunate ," said the Large Voice .

  17. 给你打电话的对方是个大嗓门。

    There is a Stentor at the other end of the telephone line .

  18. 我也不是那种大嗓门的人。

    And normally I 'm not the talking-out-loud type .

  19. 我拉了罗兹我的大嗓门朋友去参加聚会。

    I took my loud-voiced friend , roz , with me to the party .

  20. 梅文,你在对我大嗓门么?

    Melvin , did you just try and use the big voice on me ?

  21. 他为什么需要有大嗓门?

    Why does he need a loud voice ?

  22. 他拉大嗓门愤怒地讲了一通。

    He had spoken loudly and angrily .

  23. 每次遇到这种情况,他就拉大嗓门说话,今晚也不例外。

    At such times he always spoke in a loud voice , as he did tonight .

  24. 别说了。你为什么老是这样,爱评判别人,脾气爆,还大嗓门?

    No. Why do you always got to be like this judgmental , hottempered , loud ?

  25. 雄性吼猴利用它们的大嗓门去争夺食物,求偶,或宣示领土。

    Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food , mates , or territory .

  26. 玛西娅:我宁愿同有点沉默寡言的人讲话也不愿意同大嗓门的人接触。

    Marcia : I 'd rather talk to someone who is a little reticent than a loudmouth .

  27. “哈罗!”他们刚踏进过道,就听见一个沙哑的大嗓门嚷起来。

    ' Hallo ! 'cried a loud , hoarse voice , as soon as they set foot in the passage .

  28. 朋友说,她的丈夫也是大嗓门,喜欢大声唱马来语歌曲。

    Her husband , too , has quite a voice , a friend said , loving to belt out Malay songs .

  29. 鲍比·里格斯是一个观点保守、善于宣扬的大嗓门,他向她挑战,要求她出席一场友好的表演赛。

    Bobby Riggs , a loudmouth with hidebound views and a knack for publicity , challenged her to a friendly exhibition .

  30. 他红脸膛儿,大嗓门,一天到晚乐呵呵的。她放开嗓门大声歌唱。

    He had a red face and a loud voice and jolly ways . She sang at the top of her throat .