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dà lì
  • high-ranking officer
大吏 [dà lì]
  • [local governor in feudal China] 指大官

  • 督抚大吏争上符瑞。--《明史.海瑞传》

  1. 林则徐是经过科举正途、以封疆大吏的身份走上政治舞台的。

    Lin Zexu entered the political stage through imperial examinations and was appointed as a governor of a province .

  2. 在近代中国人民轰轰烈烈的反洋教运动中,晚清大吏张之洞有自己独特的思想与实践。

    During modern times , the high official Zhang Zhidong has his distinctive idea and practice in the Chinese great Anti-christian Campaign .

  3. 作为晚清封疆大吏的周馥,对山东黄河的治理尤为重视。

    As a government officer of later Qing Dynasty , Zhou Fu thought highly of the harnessing of Yellow River in Shandong province .

  4. 将军衙署按清一品封疆大吏衙署的格式建造,位居绥远城中心西北处,是当时城中最大的建筑群。

    General Yashu on-one format for the construction of Fengjiangtaili Yashu , ranked Suiyuan City Centre Northwest , was the biggest buildings in town .

  5. 与之前的治黄大吏不同,林则徐做事认真,严谨务实;他痛恨渎职,对此类人等严惩不贷。

    Unlike other officials , Lin did everything assiduously and practically , hated dereliction of duty bitterly and punished the officials for malfeasance without mercy .

  6. 20世纪初,作为清廷封疆大吏和民国大总统的袁世凯,曾主持修筑了著名的京张铁路,收回被帝国主义掠夺去的京汉及津镇铁路权;

    At the beginning of20th century , Yuan Shikai , president of Ming Government , was responsible for the building of Jing-Zhang Railway and took over Jing-Han & Jin-Zheng Railways from Imperialists .

  7. 清末,中国近代教育思想处于新旧交替的变化之中,一些封疆大吏以中学为体,西学为用为宗旨,提倡向西方学习,重视教育与人才培养。

    At the end of Qing dynasty when modern Chinese education ideologies were undergoing changes from the old to the new , some officials advocated learning from the west and attaching importance to education and personnel training .