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dà diǎn
  • grand ceremony;collection of great classics;a body of the classic documents of the nation
大典 [dà diǎn]
  • (1) [collection of great classics]∶重要的典籍

  • (2) [a body of the classic documents of the nation]∶国家重要的典章、法令

  • (3) [grand ceremony]∶盛大隆重的典礼

  • 开国大典

  • 这是鲁镇年终的大典。--鲁迅《祝福》

大典[dà diǎn]
  1. 肥套是广西毛南族人传统社会生活中的人生大典,是人们最为注重的人生仪式。

    It is a grand ceremony in the traditional social life of Guangxi Maonan people , and is regarded by them as the most significant rite of their life .

  2. 中国的《永乐大典》是世界上最早最大的百科全书。它成书于1408年,共有22,937卷,11,095册37,000万字,由2,000名学者编写。

    “ The Yongle Canon ”, compiled by 2,000 scholars and completed in 1408 , A.D. , was the world 's earliest and biggest encyclopaedia , which contains 22937 volumes bound into 11095 books with a total of 370 million Chinese characters .

  3. 周二晚,凯蒂佩里被评为ELLE风尚大典年度女性。

    Katy Perry was crowned Woman of the Year at the Elle Style Awards on Tuesday night .

  4. 经典电影《开国大典》参加了第62届奥斯卡外语片展映,该片4K新版将于周五(10月18日)登陆中国电影院。

    The 4K version of " The Birth of New China , " screened as the Chinese entry for Best Foreign Language Film at the 62nd Academy Awards , will hit Chinese cinemas on Friday ( Oct. 18 ) .

  5. 我可不希望在我的册封大典上,你也这样表现。

    I hope that you will do better at my coronation .

  6. 没想到,却要用在我的册封大典上。

    However , it is now used in my coronation .

  7. 这一声明是平壤在举行国庆大典时发表的。

    The comments come as Pyongyang celebratesa major milestone .

  8. 王室的婚丧大典也常在这里举行。

    Royal wedding ceremony is often held here .

  9. 工人们直到完成了国庆60年大典的所有准备工作才离开。

    The workers they finished all the work of china is60 th national celebration .

  10. 南山海上观音圣像开光大典接待活动;

    Activity of reception of opening ceremony of the holly sculpture of Guanyin in nanshan ;

  11. 《中国材料工程大典》的使用

    How to use China Materials Engineering Canon

  12. 希望明天的开幕大典平安成功。

    I hope there will be a peaceful opening ceremony , and a successful Olympics .

  13. 我也参加了他们的结婚大典。

    I was at their wedding too .

  14. 本周,我们目睹了迄今为止储电量最大且易于塑性电池的揭幕大典。

    This week saw the unveiling of the most robust but flexible battery ever reported .

  15. 世界美术大典。

    The big box of art .

  16. 传朕口谕,本月十五,举行皇后册封大典。

    I hereby proclaim the Empress coronation will take place on the fifteenth day of this month .

  17. 万分感谢您能赏脸为我们欢庆大典献唱。万分荣幸。

    Thank you so much for coming to sing at our celebrations . Pleasure 's all mine .

  18. 而郊庙、燕射歌辞是郊庙、祭祀大典必不可少的一部分。

    The Suburban , Yan Song and was shot Suburban , an essential part of the ritual ceremony .

  19. 《海外新发现〈永乐大典〉十七卷》医药文献初探

    Preliminary exploration on the medical literature in The 17th Volume of Great Canon of Yongle Newly Discovered Overseas

  20. 离册封大典还有两天,我怕我绣不好。

    The coronation is only two days away . I fear this will not be ready in time .

  21. 进入汉代,《尚书》逐渐完成了由历史典籍向经世大典的转变。

    Shang shu finished the change from the history documents to the grand classics gradually in Han dynasty .

  22. 大典之前,我国就成立了委员会,征集国旗国徽图案。

    Before the ceremony , a committee was set up to solicit designs for the flag and the emblem .

  23. 在大典要举行的头天晚上,这两个骗子整夜不睡。

    The swindlers sat up the whole night before the day on which the procession was to take place .

  24. 《中华大典·明清文学分典》抽样分析

    A Sampling Analysis of A Great Dictionary of Chinese Culture · Records of Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  25. 本文从《乐府雅词》、《永乐大典》以及宋人别集等文献中辑得晁补之、毛滂等人诗作共81首,作为对《全宋诗》的补遗。

    This paper edits eighty poems from relevant literature as a supplement to The Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty .

  26. 大家的眼睛都紧盯着晚上的颁奖大典最受欢迎的电视剧和最受欢迎的电影。

    Chances are all eyes will be on the night 's big awards & Favorite TV Show and Favorite Movie .

  27. 但总督主持的奠基大典上我们看到的又是什么。

    But what did we witness in the great pandal in which the foundation ceremony was performed by the Viceroy .

  28. 他们成功编著了《永乐大典》和《古今图书集成》。

    They successively compile " Great Encyclopedia of Yongle " and " A Collection of Books Ancient and Present . "

  29. 1989版《开国大典》在中国电影分级网站豆瓣上的评分为7.2分,满分为10分。

    The 1989 movie has a current score of 7.2 out of 10 points on Chinese film rating site Douban .

  30. 我10月30日会到徐州参加“模特儿大典”,希望到时候再和大家碰面!

    I hope to see more of everyone at my next appearance at the models award ceremony in Xuzhou on oct30 .