
  • 网络Great Council;Grand Council
  1. 我们跟着她上了楼梯,到了一间大会议室。

    We followed her up the stairs to a large meeting room .

  2. 还有约在11点的客人在大会议室

    And your 11:00 is in the big conference room .

  3. 大会议厅的四分之三被坐满。

    The large meeting hall is three-quarters full .

  4. 圭亚那国际会议中心大会议厅弧形吊顶的设计与施工

    Design and construction of arc ceiling of conference hall of Guyana International Conference Center

  5. 从历届世界公园大会议题看国际保护地建设与发展趋势

    The Trends of Protected Area Development by Analyzing Changes of lssues Presented in World Park Congresses

  6. 他们象为大会议一样仔细地为这次会议做准备。

    They have prepared for this meeting as carefully as they had for the big ones .

  7. 一个用砖砌的大会议厅

    A large brick conference hall

  8. 在前面,大会议室周边的玻璃墙选用了带有多种遮蔽造型的深绿色。

    The glass walls surrounding the larger room , up front , are different shades of bottle green .

  9. 一大批律师和银行家走进希尔曼和斯特林律师事务所的一个大会议室。

    A large group of lawyers and bankers marching into a big conference room at Shearman & Sterling .

  10. 这里不提供食物,除非客户预订了两间大会议室中的一间,而且还得事先订餐。

    Food is not provided except when ordered in advance if clients book one of the two larger meeting rooms .

  11. 这可能会导致大会议中心里产生一些固定模式的大讨论:用意良好,但虚辞满篇。

    That can lead to some of the big set-piece discussions in the Congress centre being well-meaning and full of waffle .

  12. 是次模拟联合国大会议题不单涉及国际事项,还会重点讨论亚洲事务。

    The AIMUN , organised by Peking University , not only focuses on global affairs , but also addresses specific issues within Asia .

  13. 大会议厅采用自动调节型条缝风口吊顶送风,风口截面大小可随送风温度自动调节。

    The large conference hall adopts ceiling air supply mode with self-regulation slot outlets whose area could automatically vary with supply air temperature .

  14. 文章热情欢迎全国译协二大会议召开,并提出了殷切期望与建议。

    The article warmly greets the convening of the 2nd National Congress of Translators'Association of China , and ardent expectations and suggestions are advanced .

  15. 认真贯彻落实党的十六大会议精神开创全省煤炭工业改革发展新局面(1)

    Seriously Carry out the Gist of the 16th Party Congress and Creat a New Prospect of the Development of Coal Industry ( 1 )

  16. 古典风格的大会议室,巧妙的设计使得各种规格类型的会议都能灵活适用。

    The large Conference room , designed in a classic style , can be adapted to accommodate a variety of functions both large and small .

  17. 新的高层成员名单将在17大会议结束后公布。17大于上周一开幕,为期约一周,会议的大部分是秘密进行的。

    The line-up will not be announced until the end of the17th party congress , which opens in Beijing on Monday and will last about a week , mostly in private .

  18. 同年在上海召开的共和联合会大会议决:取五族共和的意义,以五色旗为国旗。

    In the same year the republic union conference held in Shanghai accepted the " meaning of five-nationality unity for a republic " and the five-color flag as the national flag .

  19. 诺曼征服以前,英国的贵族会议被称作贤人会议,它在税收、立法、选举国王等重要问题上拥有较大权力,有力地限制了王权。诺曼征服以后,贵族大会议取代了贤人会议。

    Before the Norman Conquest , the council of baron was addressed in the Witenagemot , which has greater authority over the significant problems such as taxation , legislation and throne election .

  20. 负责文档管理工作,文书写作、文件打印等,机票、酒店预订及其他外联工作,协助总监进行重要日程安排,组织销售部各大会议的前期安排及会议资料。

    Responsible for the management of files , writing instruments , paper printing , air tickets , Hotel booking and other outreach efforts to assist the authority to carry out important schedules , the organization of conferences advance sales arrangements and meeting information .

  21. 这两大会议将于10月11日在北京举行,将聚焦中国和欧盟之间的高等教育机构的学分互认,以及两地之间的学生均衡流动。

    The two meetings will be held in Beijing on October 11 , and focus on the mutual recognition of credits between higher learning institutions in China and the EU , as well as the balanced flow of students between the two parties .

  22. 委员会决定召开国大党会议。

    The Committee decided to call a meeting of the All India Congress

  23. 欧洲议会采取PR进行选举,如大伦敦会议等其他新的地区会议也通过直接选举产生市长。

    Forms of PR were introduced for elections to the European Parliament , the new devolved regional assemblies , the Greater London Assembly and for the direct election of those mayors .

  24. 介绍了2002年国际大电网会议(CIGRE)上关于2020年的电力系统、电力工程教育、自由化电力市场的供电安全性等专题研讨会的主要内容。

    Special Symposiums in CIGRE '2000 are reviewed . The main subjects discussed are power systems in 2020 , power engineering education , and power supply security in electricity market .

  25. 据此,本文结合国际大电网会议(CIGRE)电缆研究委员会的战略规划和我们的研究基础,提出十一五发展线缆材料和产品的一些想法。

    In this paper , we preset some ideas about the development of the materials and product of electric wire and cable during the Eleventh Five Year Plan based on teh strategy of the cable commission of CIGRE and our research achievements .

  26. 有些只有特别大的会议室。

    Some only have extremely large conference rooms .

  27. 中美洲主教和大主教会议

    Congress of Bishops and Archbishops of Central America

  28. 承印大批量会议资料、培训教材。

    High-volume printing conference materials , training materials .

  29. 1992年第34届国际大电网会议37、38、39专业委员会主要内容介绍

    Brief introduction to 37 , 38 , 39 Expert Committee for the 34th CIGRE in 1992

  30. 梵二大公会议修订了祈祷和将其名称改为礼仪的小时数。

    The Second Vatican Council revised the Breviary and changed its name to Liturgy of the Hours .