
  • 网络Ooi;ohi;WALRUS
  1. 赵东F-1大位移定向井钻井技术大位移大井斜多目标定向井钻井技术

    DRILLING TECHNOLOGY OF LONG-DISPLACEMENT DIRECTIONAL WELL FOR ZHAODONG WELL F-1 Technology of directional drilling with large - displacement and large decline and multi targets

  2. TBK-15井大井眼长井段硬胶泡沫盲钻技术

    Blind Drilling in Well TBK-15 : The Application of Stiff Foam in Big Hole and Long Open Hole

  3. 基于大井距(10~15km)的评价钻探结果表明,该区是一个大面积含气但同时具有明显非均质性的砂岩复合气藏。

    Appraisal well results based on large hole spacing ( 10 ~ 15km ) show that the area is composite sandstone gas reservoir both gas-bearing with large area and typical heterogeneous .

  4. 采用大井法、比拟法及水均衡法分别对该矿井涌水量进行了预测,预测水平标高550m。

    The mine discharge has been individually predicted , the level of elevation 550m , in this paper by the means of " Great Well ", " Analogue " and " Water-Equalization " .

  5. 鉴于我国生产的各类套管动力钳已不能适应现在越来越多的大井眼和超深井作业需求的情况,研制开发出适用管径244.5~508mm、最大扭矩70kN。

    The current kinds of casing power tongs made in our country can not meet the requirement of increasing operation in big borehole and ultra-deep wells through they can meet the demand of ordinary drilling operation .

  6. 努力探索快速建造优质大井的新途径&顾桥矿井施工准备期优化实践

    New approach to quickly build high quality and big shaft

  7. 导向钻井系统在多目标大井斜定向井中的应用大位移井下套管技术

    Application of guiding drilling system in multi-targets directional wells with great inclination

  8. 黄土铺盖防渗与井群大井点辅助排水法;

    Impervious loess blanket and large well-point dewatering method ;

  9. 新型煤矿竖井钻机在深厚冲击层大井径井筒施工中的应用

    Application of New Drilling Shaft Machine in Big Diameter Shaft of Deep Alluvium

  10. 大井眼井技术在超稠油油藏热采试验中的应用

    Application of large hole technology in thermal recovery experiment on super-heavy oil reservoir

  11. 大井眼造斜及井身轨迹的控制

    Deviating of Big Hole and Its Trace Control

  12. Φ70补偿密度测井仪的改进及在大井眼测井中的应用

    Improvement of Φ 70 compensated density logging tool and its application to large borehole

  13. 大井间距井间地震观测试验

    Crosswell seismic survey with large interwell separations

  14. 平行交互反向井网可扩大井网控制面积,为最优的水平井注采井网。

    Parallel reverse pattern can enlarge the control area , which is the best horizontal wells injection-production pattern .

  15. 大井矿冶遗址是我国北方发现最早的一处古铜矿遗址。

    The Dajing copper mining and smelting relic site is the earliest one found in the northern China .

  16. 和他的妻子作这样一个大井打捞竹竿爱,有办法呢?

    And his wife make love like a bamboo pole in large wells salvage , there are ways to do ?

  17. 大位移井具有长水平位移、大井斜角以及长裸眼段的特点。

    The extended reach well has such characteristics as large horizontal displacement , great deviation angle and long open hole interval .

  18. 1971年投入试采,采用不规则大井距面积井网开发。

    In 1971 , it was brought into production test and utilized irregular dispersed well pattern of wide spacing for exploitation .

  19. 分析了准噶尔盆地东部大井地区中下侏罗统的沉积环境、特征,发育层间氧化带的条件及铀成矿环境。

    Characteristics of uranium mineralization in the interlayer oxidation zone of the HAB area on the western margin of the Ordos basin ;

  20. 现场应用结果表明,聚合物钻井液体系解决了大井眼携岩问题;

    Field using indicates that the polymer drilling fluid is suitable for the large size hole because of its remarkable cuttings removal ability ;

  21. 着重介绍了水平井射孔技术在小井眼、大井眼及复杂井况条件下特殊井中的技术要求和特点。

    Especially the perforating technology in the exceptional horizontal wells such as slim-hole casing wells , large hole wells and complex wells is detailed .

  22. 通过该井大井眼巨厚砾石层的钻进,对钻井工具的制造也提出了新的要求。

    Through the drilling of thicker conglomerate in large borehole , the new requirement for the manufacture of drilling tools has been put forward .

  23. 山东费县大井头地区第四系中金刚石及其指示矿物分布异常丰富,并且具有较高的集中度;

    Distribution of diamonds and its indictor minerals are very abundant in Quaternary Dajingtou area in Feixian county , Shandong province with a high concentration degree ;

  24. 同理,中国传统文化也并不都是可取的,因为大井里有糟粕的沉淀。

    Similarly ," the traditional Chinese culture " is not always desirable , due to the " dross " of it precipitated in the " Big Well " .

  25. 分析了目前电驱动钻机的应用现状,提出了一种能满足高泵压、大排量钻井生产需求,特别是大井眼的改造方案。

    Recent application of electrical driven diesels analysis is presented , and a method for high pump pressure and large displacement in drilling hole well is presented as well .

  26. 钻井液维护处理的较好方法是定时、定量补充处理剂胶液。固相控制是深井大井眼段钻井液工艺中的关键问题,必须配套并且有效地使用固控设备,以维护好钻井液性能。

    A special method of processing and maintaining drilling fluid is made for the deep and big hole and the complete equipments solid control is the key of drilling fluid technology .

  27. 该文阐述了这个项目实施过程和取得的初步效果,分析了大井距、多井组条件下聚合物驱油的动态特点。

    This paper describes the implementation procedure of the project and the initial results obtained , it also analyzes the production performances of polymer flooding with wide well spacing and multiple well groups .

  28. 钻井的主要难点是如何克服大井眼长井段低压裂缝性地层漏失、强水敏性泥页岩坍塌和高压盐水层。

    Its key drilling difficulties are how to overcome low pressure fractured reservoir leakage in long section of large hole , water - sensitive mud shale caving and high pressure salt water bearing reservoir .

  29. 根据研究区5煤顶板含水层赋存情况,分别用大井法和比拟法预计了5煤顶板涌水量。

    According to the 5th coal seam roof aquifer condition in study area , we used two methods to predict the roof water inflow , and they were big well method and analogy method .

  30. 明代洪武初年,参政徐本立石刻“吴山第一泉”五字,从此该巷以大井得名。

    At the beginning Rule of Hongwu Emperor , Prime Minister Xu Ben erected a stone engraved five words on it & The First Spring of Wushan , it named Dajing from now on .