
  • 网络Dazhong
  1. 但他未对有关国美寻求收购竞争对手苏宁电器(suningappliance)或大中电器(dazhongelectricappliance)的新闻报道做出回应。

    But he would not be drawn on news reports that Gome was looking to buy rival Suning Appliance or Beijing-based Dazhong Electric appliance .

  2. 银行承兑汇票到期后,杨某某公司未及时偿还银行承兑汇票债务,而由大中电器公司承担了票据责任。

    After the expiration of the bankers ' acceptances , Yang Dong zhou not timely repayment of bank acceptance bills debt by Da zhong Electric Company has assumed liability for the instrument .

  3. 天水是省内重要的工业基地,是全国六大中低压电器生产基地之一。

    Tianshui is an important industrial base in the province , the country 's six major production base in one of the low-voltage electrical appliances .