
  • 网络The Dominican Republic;Santo Domingo;Dominican Rep
  1. LeeTamplin圣布拉斯岛海滩多米尼加共和国的霍乱,加勒比海的登革热,乌克兰的麻疹。

    Cholera in the Dominican Republic . Dengue fever in the Caribbean . Measles in Ukraine .

  2. 22岁的圣路易红雀队外野手OscarTaveras在他的家乡多米尼加共和国去世。

    And 22-year-old St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Oscar Taveras has died in his native Dominican Republic .

  3. 斯特拉塔公司(xstrata)昨日表示,由于能源成本飙升和镍价下跌,该公司已经关闭多米尼加共和国境内的镍铁采矿和加工作业,为期至少4个月。

    Xstrata said yesterday it had shut down a ferronickel mining and processing operation in the Dominican Republic for at least four months due to soaring energy costs and lower nickel prices .

  4. 多米尼加共和国巴纳商学院(BarnaBusinessSchool)教务主任卡洛斯•马蒂•桑吉斯(CarlosMartíSanchis)称,像他所在学院这样的加勒比和中美洲商学院,在古巴商学院学生可能感兴趣的一些学科上具备专长,例如旅游业。

    Carlos Mart í Sanchis , academic director at Barna Business School in the Dominican Republic , claims that Caribbean and central American schools like his have expertise in subjects that would likely be of interest to Cuban business students , such as tourism .

  5. 在坦帕附近和多米尼加共和国的克莱恩特度假村(CalienteResorts),无论何时何地你都可以不着寸缕,在酒楼、餐厅、酒吧、会所和夜总会都是如此。

    At Caliente Resorts near Tampa and in the Dominican Republic you can be completely nude wherever and whenever you want , including restaurants , dining rooms , bars , club house and nightclubs .

  6. 伊斯帕尼奥拉岛当时属多米尼加共和国,随后并入海地。

    Centered in the Dominican Republic , it extended into Haiti .

  7. 国家简况:古巴、多米尼加共和国、海地、波多黎各。

    Country Profile : Cuba , Dominican Republic , Haiti , Puerto Rico.

  8. 扬基队就有七名队员来自多米尼加共和国。

    The Dominican Republic alone is home to seven Yankees .

  9. 城多米尼加共和国的首都和最大城市。

    The capital and largest city of the Dominican Republic .

  10. 我的名字是里卡多从多米尼加共和国。我们有兴趣知道价格的移印机。

    We are interested in know the price of the pad printing machines .

  11. 首先考验新政策的地方是多米尼加共和国。

    The first testing ground of the new policy was the Dominican Republic .

  12. 多米尼加共和国预计迟些时候也将加入《中美洲自由贸易协定》。

    The Dominican Republic is expected to join CAFTA at a later date .

  13. 在一个多米尼加共和国夜总会中,9人死于一场致命大火。

    Nine people died in a deadly fire at a Dominican Republic nightclub .

  14. 多米尼加共和国的省的地图。

    Map of the provinces of the Dominican Republic .

  15. 西班牙语(多米尼加共和国)$多米尼加共和国

    Spanish ( Dominican Republic ) $ Dominican Republic

  16. 多米尼加共和国南部沿海地区已经发布飓风预警。

    The Dominican Republic issued a hurricane warning along portions of its southern coast .

  17. 美国的海军指挥官们掌管着多米尼加共和国和海地政府。

    American naval commanders were running the government of the Dominican Republic and Haiti .

  18. 在多米尼加共和国和古巴的技术院校和大学也有这样的项目。帮助这类项目对于增进工作机会和商业有额外的好处。

    Helping such projects will have the added benefit of boosting jobs and businesses .

  19. 多米尼加共和国普韦布洛别霍地区内格罗山金&银矿床的地质学

    Geology Of the Monte Negro Gold-Silver Deposit , Pueblo Viejo District , Dominican Republic

  20. 就是那晚,在多米尼加共和国

    That night , in the Dominican Republic .

  21. 加百利生活在多米尼加共和国。

    Gabriel lives in the Dominican Republic .

  22. 这位来自多米尼加共和国的管理专业学生表示,这两个校区简直就是两个世界。

    The two are worlds apart , says the management student from the Dominican Republic .

  23. 多米尼加共和国的基本货币单位。

    The basic unit of money in the Dominican Republic ; equal to 100 centavos .

  24. 我从多米尼加共和国回来的时候,我已经经历了这个经历中最痛苦的部分。

    I 'd worked through a lot of the most difficult parts of this experience .

  25. 实际上,可以说我是在多米尼加共和国的首都长大的

    Actually , you could say I grew up in the capital of Dominican Republic ,

  26. 选择11月25日是为了纪念多米尼加共和国的三位女性。

    November 25 was chosen to honor three sisters in the Demenican ( Dominican ) Republic .

  27. 跻身前五名中的其他几位佳丽分别来自多米尼加共和国、墨西哥和俄罗斯。

    The rest of the top five were from the Dominican Republic , Mexico and Russia .

  28. 食品安全官员没有找到多米尼加共和国和丹麦的评论。

    Food safety officials from the Dominican Republic and Denmark could not be located for comment .

  29. 国家报告:古巴、多米尼加共和国、海地、波多黎各》附《国家简况》。

    Country Report : Cuba , Dominican Republic , Haiti , Puerto Rico , with Country Profile .

  30. 岛国上最新的移民者,是从多米尼加共和国和海地的经济衰退区来的。

    The latest arrivals have come from the economically depressed areas of the Dominican Republic and Haiti .