
  • 网络FDM;foreign exchange dealer;foreign exchange trader;exchange dealer
  1. “今天早上市场萧条极了。”一个外汇交易商说道。

    ' The market is absolutely dead this morning , ' said one foreign exchange trader .

  2. 投资者和外汇交易商被德意志联邦银行的这一举措打了个措手不及。

    Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank 's action

  3. 摩根大通本星期初亦推荐做空EUR/CHF,有一家对冲基金亦很“聪明”地做空并设立大幅度止赢头寸。但现在有一家更大的瑞士外汇交易商却建议减少空头头寸。

    JP Morgan also recommended a short EUR / CHF technical trade earlier this week but one of the'cleverer'hedge funds had been short EUR / CHF and booked a very nice profit .

  4. 外汇交易商似乎对此心有灵犀。

    Currency traders seemed to take his words to heart .

  5. 例如,规模较小的外汇交易商可能会专注于开发能更好地体现价格的软件。

    Smaller FX dealers may , for example , focus on creating better software to present prices .

  6. 技术分析被广泛使用于经纪公司,外汇交易商,投资者,和商品交易商。

    Technical analysis is being extensively used by brokering firms , foreign exchange dealers , investors , and commodity traders .

  7. 中信证券的分析师马清说,外汇交易商对人民币的进一步升值抱有很高期望。

    Traders have high expectations of further appreciation of the renminbi , said Ma Qing , an analyst with CITIC Securities .

  8. 外汇交易商称,随着韩元下跌,韩国政府买入了价值达5亿美元的韩元。这是两个月来政府首次干预市场。

    As the currency plunged , authorities bought up to $ 500m worth of won in their first intervention in the market in two months , foreign exchange dealers said .

  9. 全球最大的外汇交易商德意志银行也在周三对几名美洲交易员做了停职处理,其中至少有一名交易员系从事阿根廷比索交易的人员。

    Also Wednesday , it emerged that Deutsche Bank , the world 's largest currencies dealer , has suspended several traders in the Americas , at least one of them a trader in the Argentine peso .

  10. 因此眼下存在双重风险:一是汇率战争的“失败者”突然发动一场贸易战争;二是外汇交易商像2008年那样猝不及防,损失惨重。

    So there is a twofold risk ; first that a " loser " in the currency war snaps and resorts to a trade war . And second that currency traders get caught as they did in 2008 and lose a bundle .

  11. 有知情人士表示,作为全球第四大外汇交易商,瑞银和其他银行一样,打算提高最大电子订单的规模上限,以便将更多业务转移至此类平台。

    Swiss bank UBS , the fourth-largest currencies trader in the world , was among lenders planning to increase the maximum electronic order size as a way to move more business on to these platforms , people familiar with the situation said .

  12. 外汇基金票据认可交易商

    Recognized dealer of Exchange Fund bills

  13. 与中国的情况不同的是,主要的国际外汇市场均是以外汇交易商为中心的场外交易(或称柜台交易,OTC)市场。

    In contrast to China , major international FX markets are OTC ones , with FX dealers playing a key role in transactions and the decision of exchange rate .

  14. 就在不久前,外汇交易的主导者还是大型银行、对冲基金和外汇交易商。

    Until recently , foreign exchange was dominated by large banks , hedge funds and currency dealers .

  15. 最后,本文回顾了中国外汇市场的历史演进和现状,分析了中国当前的外汇管理体制是否满足建立外汇交易商制度的前提条件,以及在未来的发展中应该实行哪些方面的改革。

    Finally , we came to Chinese FX market , giving some advice on the future reforms on FX market system .

  16. 缅甸外汇券在缅甸的贸易完全中断,原因是由于下降的幅度过大,本周引起外汇交易商的关注,据消息人士透露。

    The trading of Foreign Exchange Certificates ( FEC ) in Burma has totally halted due to the excessive drop in its rate this week , causing concerns among foreign currency dealers , according to sources .