
  • 网络alien species;alien organism;exotic organism;exotic species
  1. 生物入侵正在成为影响我国生态系统的重要因素之一。外来生物入侵的问题,越来越受到全社会的关注。

    Biological invasion is becoming one of the important factors threatening ecosystem in China and the issues of invasion of alien species have got more and more attention .

  2. 基于GIS的大连压载水外来生物风险评估系统的研究

    Research on Risk Assessment System of Alien Species Caused by Ships ' Ballast Water in Dalian Port Based on GIS

  3. OH杀灭压载水中外来生物的模拟船上中试实验研究

    Study on Pilotscale Experiment of Killing Microorganism in Ballast Water by Hydroxyl Radical

  4. 近年来的研究表明,Wolbachia与许多外来生物的成功入侵相关。

    Recent research showed that Wolbachia may have contributed to the success of invasive populations .

  5. 对棕榈科植物上的危险性外来生物红棕象甲(RhynchophorusferrugineusFab.)

    Red palm weevil ( Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab . ) is a serious pest attacking palm plants and has been reported at many places in South China recently .

  6. 外来生物的入侵机制及其对生态安全的影响

    The Mechanism of Biological Invasion and its Effect on Ecosystem Safety

  7. 船舶压载水外来生物入侵传播的防治

    Research on the treatment to the biological invasions from ballast water

  8. 防治外来生物入侵法律制度研究

    Study on the Legal System of Prevent and Control Alien Invasive Species

  9. 外来生物菜豆荚斑驳病毒在中国的风险分析

    Risk analysis of exotic pest , Bean pod mottle virus in China

  10. 外来生物入侵预警机制的构建

    On the Construction of Early-warning Mechanism about Alien Species Invasion

  11. 闽东外来生物入侵的初步研究

    Initial study of exotic biological invasion into East Fujian

  12. 增强检验检疫能力积极应对外来生物入侵

    Enhancing of Inspection and Quarantine Ability , Controlling Invasion of Exotic Living Beings

  13. 外来生物入侵的途径及预防对策

    Biological Invasive Approaches of Denizen and its Preventive Measures

  14. 加热法处理船舶压载水对外来生物存活的影响

    Effect of Heating on the Survival of Non indigenous Organisms in Ballast Water

  15. 农业外来生物入侵种研究现状与发展趋势

    Research progress and prospects of invasive alien species

  16. 海洋微藻是造成赤潮和外来生物入侵性传播的有害海洋生物。

    Micro-algae is harmful halobios which can cause red tide and invasion of non-indigenous species .

  17. 大米草与外来生物入侵

    Rice Grass and Outside Living Beings Invading

  18. 电离放电治理外来生物入侵性传播试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Treatment of the Invasive Spread of exotic Organisms Using Hydroxyl Radical

  19. 但是…这些邪恶的外来生物

    But the arrival of these evil creatures

  20. 所以口岸地区杀虫消毒、外来生物监测显得十分必要。

    So pest control , disinfection and alien biological monitoring of port area are essential .

  21. 外来生物的引进或入侵会给本土种造成遗传污染。

    The introduction and invasion of alien organisms may cause the genetic pollution of native spices .

  22. 如何安全有效治理船舶压载水外来生物入侵问题是目前国际海洋环境研究中的难点和热点之一。

    It 's a hot topic that how to treat ballast water by security and feasible method .

  23. 外来生物入侵是近年来生物安全领域的重要内容。

    The external creatures invasion was the important part in the creatures security region in recent years .

  24. 试论外来生物立法

    On Adventive Creature Law

  25. 每当肌体遭遇到外来生物时,它就开始产生抗体,并且消灭人侵者。

    When the body encounters a foreign organism , it begins to develop antibodies tailored to detect and disable the invader .

  26. 船舶压载水导致的生物入侵及其防治对策船舶压载水是外来生物入侵最主要传播途径。

    Ballast water discharges lead to marine invasion between geographically isolated water , and are the main approach to spreading harmful microorganism .

  27. 其他外来生物是为了恢复环境、害虫生物防治、体育、宠物、食物加工等目的而引进的。

    Other Exotic species have been introduced for landscape restoration , biological pest control , sport , pets , and food processing .

  28. 此外,媒介昆虫与植物病毒之间中性或偏害的互作关系对于外来生物入侵的促进作用也不容忽视。

    This kind of mutualism can contribute to the widespread invasion of vector insects as well as the epidemics of plant viruses .

  29. 随着国际贸易的不断扩大和全球经济一体化的迅速发展,外来生物入侵日益加剧。

    With the rapid development of international trade and global economic integration , the invasion of alien organisms aggravate day to day .

  30. 这些宝贵的遗产正经历时间和空间变迁的洗礼和外来生物的侵蚀,尤其是纸质档案。

    However , these precious heritage is going through time and space change baptism and alien biological erosion , especially the paper files .