- 名diplomatic agent;diplomatic representative

Such inspection shall be conducted in the presence of the diplomatic agent or of his authorized representative .
The Declaration Form shall bear the seal of the mission concerned and the signature of the head of the mission or a diplomatic agent authorised by the head of the mission .
The country 's embassies , consulates and other diplomatic missions stationed in other countries . (
The United States is sending a diplomatic delegation .
( Roman Catholic ) a diplomatic representative of the Pope having ambassadorial status .
The countrys embassies , consulates and other diplomatic missions stationed in other countries .
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons Including Diplomatic Agents
( Roman Catholic ) a diplomatic representative of the Pope ranking below a nuncio .
He hoped that diplomatic representatives of the two countries would maintain consultations and strengthen co-operation in international organizations .
We still have German nationals in Afghanistan but we don 't have any diplomatic representation in Kabul Afghanistan .
His haughty rudeness was an imitation of mussolini 's and hitler 's attitude toward representatives of small nations during negotiations .
Britain 's defense secretary says a small british diplomatic team is in eastern Libya to try to talk to rebels there .
The Treaty of Tientsin ( Tianjin ) in1858 , which ended the war , gave the British the privilege of diplomatic representation in China .
HONG KONG & The United States says it will expand air-quality monitoring at some overseas diplomatic missions , following several years of reporting pollution data in China .
HONG KONG - The United States says it will expand air-quality monitoring at some overseas diplomatic missions , following several years of reporting pollution data in China .
Liam Fox told BBC radio Sunday that Britain was in touch with a small diplomatic team in Benghazi , but said it would be inappropriate to comment further .
Passports for Chinese citizens going abroad for private purposes shall be issued by the Ministry of Public Security or by local public security organs authorized by the ministry .
There are six countries in Africa that are members of the United Nations , there isn 't a single American diplomatic representative in any one of those six .
Where there is not a British mission in your own country or where the mission does not issue entry clearance you will need to apply at another designated post .
Article 6 For entry into China , aliens shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomatic missions , consular offices or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs .
The Lisbon treaty will create a souped-up foreign minister with more resources , which should help further the long-term work of carving out common European positions on the big global issues .
The country 's 261 diplomatic missions across the globe are getting fed up of bizarre demands for help from Brits abroad , some of whom seem to think the British embassy is an agency for finding lost sunglasses and paying bills .
Alone , Washington can cut off grain and other trade with the Soviet union , cut back on Soviet diplomatic representation in the United states , break off arms talks and if he Russians invade poland & perhaps even consider blockading cuba .
White House officials did little to disguise their disappointment last Friday when Europe selected two minor figures to be its president and high representative on foreign affairs Herman Van Rompuy and Cathy Ashton .
The foreign minister represented the country at the conference .
HEWEL [ Foreign Office representative ] : The Rhine isn 't so very wide there .
A recycled paper packaging project developed by the team from China Foreign Affairs University won first place .
Rice told reporters President Bush decided to support an interests section in the context of a firm U.S. policy confronting Iranian nuclear ambitions , aggressive actions in the Middle East and political repression at home .
Professor Khashan says he think Mr. Annan 's diplomatic efforts represent the " last chance " that Mr. Assad will receive from the international community . The Syrian leader agreed to the U.N. peace plan on March twenty-fifth .
I had the opportunity to say at the Security Council a few days ago , in particular eastern Ghouta cannot wait . It 's high time to stop this EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has said European Union foreign ministers expected " full and immediate implementation " of recently adopted UN Security Council resolutions . "