
  • 网络Complexity Science;science of complexity
  1. 元胞自动机(CellularAutomata,简称CA)充分体现了复杂结构来自于简单子系统的相互作用这一复杂性科学的精髓,非常适用于具有复杂时空特征的地理系统模拟。

    Cellular automata show thoroughly the essence of complexity science that complicated construction comes from the interaction of the simple sub-system , so cellular automata is fit to study geographic system with spatial-temporal feature very much .

  2. 在复杂性科学的视角下,流域水资源配置系统可以被看作是一类CAS,运用CAS理论定量描述水资源配置的系统演进,为流域水资源配置机制的构建奠定了科学的理论基础。

    Through the complexity science , river basin water-resource allocation can be viewed as a kind of CAS ; the exertion of CAS theory describing mechanism evolvement of water-resource allocation quantificationally sets a scientific and theoretical foundation for river basin water-resource allocation .

  3. 基于复杂性科学基本概念的MAS涌现性量化研究

    Emergence-Oriented Research on MAS with Quantifications Based on the Notions in Science of Complexity

  4. 以上工作是中国学者对于发展复杂性科学所做的贡献。

    These works are contributions of Chinese researchers to complex science .

  5. 基于复杂性科学理论的脉诊研究方法学探讨

    Methodology Approach of Pulse Diagnosis Research Based on Complexity Science Theory

  6. 复杂性科学在大学管理创新中的应用

    The Application of Science of Complexity in the Innovation University Management

  7. 复杂性科学理论在地球物质学中的作用

    Role of Complexity in Scientific theory in Science of Earth Materials

  8. 复杂网络理论是复杂性科学理论的重要前沿分支之一。

    Complex network is an important branch of science of complexity .

  9. 复杂性科学思想与城市总体规划方法探索

    The Approach of Master Planning Based on the Complicacy Science Thought

  10. 复杂性科学视角下中小企业创新成长分析

    Analysis on innovative growth of SMEs in view of complexity science

  11. 复杂性科学给各领域带来了诸多启示。

    Complexity science brings plenty of enlightens on various fields .

  12. 复杂性科学中复杂性根源的研究

    A Study of the Origin of Complexity in the Science of Complexity

  13. 复杂性科学,整体规律与定性研究

    Complexity Science , Rules of the Whole Systems and the Qualitative Researches

  14. 复杂性科学对于可持续发展具有重要意义。

    Complex science has a important significance upon sustainable development .

  15. 复杂性科学在高中生物教学中的运用

    The Application of Complexity Science for Biology Teaching in Senior Middle School

  16. 复杂性科学:课堂教学高效研究新视角

    Complicated science : a new perspective for the efficiency of classroom teaching

  17. 在探讨、论证科学知识的过程中,复杂性科学研究一直是科学界的研究热点。

    The complexity concept is hot spot in the field of science .

  18. 世界一流大学的本质特征与发展动力&复杂性科学的视角

    Impetus and Essential Nature of Top Universities in the World

  19. 复杂性科学理论与区域空间演化模拟研究

    Sciences of complexity and studies of evolutional simulation of regional spatial structure

  20. 《复杂系统与复杂性科学》2006年第3卷总目次

    Total Contents of Complex Systems and Complexity Science 2006 Vol.3

  21. 现在复杂性科学已初具规模,科学思想正在发生深刻的转变:从简单性转向复杂性。

    Now the science of complexity is just beginning to take shape .

  22. 20世纪80年代以来,复杂性科学的研究取得了一定的成果。

    The study of complexity science has made some achievement from 1980s .

  23. 总结了复杂性科学的研究对象、基本原理和基本研究方法;

    Secondly , the contents , basic principle and methodology are concluded .

  24. 公共管理中复杂性科学研究的进展与展望&以农民工流动研究为例

    Complexity science in public management : a case study of rural-urban migrants

  25. 基于复杂性科学的系统思维与中医整体思维辨析

    Discrimination between systematic thinking based on complexity science and TCM holistic thinking

  26. 二.介绍几种复杂性科学的相关理论。

    The second introduces several complex science the correlation theories .

  27. 复杂性科学视野中的还原论问题

    Reductionism Problem in the View of the Science of Complexity

  28. 这就向强流离子束物理和非线性-复杂性科学及其技术提出了一系列极富挑战性的新课题。

    These are very challenging subjects for the current research .

  29. 试论复杂性科学对于可持续发展的意义

    On the Significance of Complex Science upon Sustainable Development

  30. 复杂性科学知识论

    The Theory of Knowledge of the Sciences of Complexity