
fù ɡǔ zhǔ yì
  • the doctrine of back to the ancients
  1. 这个时期的西方建筑领域,正针对复古主义思潮的反时代性,为探索适应工业化社会生产和生活的新的建筑形式展开着积极的尝试,涌现了各种新建筑思潮。

    At this time , the western architectural field , aiming at the architectures of the doctrine of back to the ancients against times , is trying to find the new architecture that adapt to production and life style in industrialized society .

  2. 所以,中国当代艺术思想与艺术变相为一种保守复古主义。

    Therefore , the Chinese thought and art of contemporary art disguised as a conservative revivalist .

  3. 论章太炎的复古主义文学观

    On Zhang Taiyan ′ s Literary Views of the Doctrine of " Returning to the Ancients "

  4. 复古主义不是答案,就像沉醉于当今的技术发展不能解决问题一样。

    Antiquarianism does not provide the answers any more than does immersion in today 's technical achievements .

  5. 在造型风格上,上海的建筑经历了从殖民地风格向学院派复古主义发展。新学院派的崛起

    The style of the architecture in shanghai changed from colony to academism reaction . The Growing up of New Academism

  6. 当代中国启蒙面临后现代思潮、大众文化、复古主义等思潮的合法性质疑。

    The enlightenment of contemporary China is facing some legal queries on post-modern trend of thought , mass culture and revivalism .

  7. 在当今学术界,许多学者对五四文化保守主义持批判的态度,认定其是为封建复古主义和专制文化服务的。

    Nowadays , many scholars think that the May 4th culture conservatism serves for the idea of feudalism returning of the ancients and autarchy culture .

  8. 众所周知,它曾在当时的思想文化领域掀起一场复古主义思潮,其影响之深,甚至波及到了整个社会。

    As everyone knows , it once started a trend of classicism in the field of thought and culture and exerted influence on the whole society .

  9. 章太炎的复古主义文学观体现了其所处时代的过渡性特征,深刻地反映了中国文化发展所蕴涵着的内在矛盾。

    Zhang Taiyan ′ s literary views of the doctrine of " Returning to the Ancients " embody the transitional characteristics of his period and deeply reflect the internal conflicts implied in Chinese cultural development .

  10. 从折衷主义到复古主义&近代中国教会大学建筑形态的演变但在这一大背景下,基督教大学仍具有诸多特殊面相。

    Eclecticism to the Doctrine of " Back to the Ancients " & Formal Evolution of Chinese Christian University Architecture But the author also figures out the Christian university still kept some inherent characters under modern China history .

  11. 鲁迅在理论上批驳复古主义谬论,主张文章大众化,借鉴适合的欧化文法,展现了开拓者与改革家的伟大风范。

    Lu Xun refuted the fallacy of doctrine of back to the ancients in theory , advocated the popularization of the article , drew lessons from the suitable Europeanized syntax , had represented the great demeanours of the pioneer and reformer .