
bèi cháng jiān xīn
  • suffer many privations;undergo hardships;drain the cup of sorrow to the dregs;suffer all kinds of hardships
备尝艰辛[bèi cháng jiān xīn]
  1. 我们备尝艰辛方才领悟独立自主的全部意义。

    We discover the full meaning of independence the hard way .

  2. 自我鞭策:只有放弃才失败,终身努力便成才!我们备尝艰辛方才领悟独立自主的全部意义。

    Spur Up : Give up to Failure , endeavor to success . We discover the full meaning of independence the hard way .

  3. 经受了以前那些备尝穷困与艰辛的日子后,现在的日子是如此平静、愉快。

    The days were all so quiet and relaxing , after the hardships and poverty of his previous life .