  • sound;voice;reputation;initial consonant
  • make a sound;declare;announce
  • 物体振动时所产生的能引起听觉的波:~音。~带。

  • 消息,音讯:~息。不通~气。

  • 说出来让人知道,扬言,宣称:~明。~辩(公开辩白)。~泪俱下。~嘶力竭。

  • 名誉:名~。

  • 音乐歌舞:~伎(女乐,古代的歌姬舞女)。~色。


(声音) sound; voice:

  • 沉闷的锣声

    the muffled sound of the gong;

  • 刺耳的金属声

    sharp metallic sound;

  • 大海的波涛声

    the voice of the sea;

  • 大 [低, 柔, 尖, 粗]声地

    in a loud [hushed, soft, shrill, rough] voice;

  • 异口同声

    with one voice;

  • 雨声

    the sound of raindrops;

  • 地震开始时发出低沉的隆隆声。

    The earthquake began with a deep [low] rumbling sound.

  • 脚步声消失了。

    The sound of the footsteps died away.


(名声) reputation:

  • 声誉

    reputation; fame; prestige


(声母) initial consonant (of a Chinese syllable):

  • 双声



(声调) tone:

  • 四声

    the four tones in classical and modern Chinese


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 声伯

    Sheng Bo


(发出声音; 宣布; 陈述) make a sound; declare; announce:

  • 不声不响

    not utter a word; keep quiet



  • 一声炮响

    the report of a cannon;

  • 我喊了他两声。

    I called him twice.

  1. 她听得到的只有海浪声。

    All she could hear was the sound of the waves .

  2. 小路上的脚步声打破了宁静。

    The sound of footsteps on the path broke the stillness .

  3. 我能听见走廊上啪哒啪哒的脚步声。

    I could hear the pit-a-pat of feet in the corridor .

  4. “呼”的一声,一切都毁于火海。

    There was a whoosh as everything went up in flames .

  5. 他啪的一声按了下开关,灯全熄了。

    He flicked a switch and all the lights went out .

  6. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神。

    I can 't concentrate with all that noise going on .

  7. 我听到子弹砰的一声击中了木头。

    I heard the whack of the bullet hitting the wood .

  8. 怒吼的风如同堕入地狱的灵魂在哀声恸哭。

    The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls .

  9. 卡车撞在马路边坡上,发出砰的一声巨响。

    There was a thump as the truck hit the bank .

  10. 咒骂声没完没了。

    There was a lot of effing and blinding going on .

  11. 她掉进游泳池时我们听见扑通的一声。

    We heard the splash when she fell into the pool .

  12. 在一片喊叫和欢呼声中宣布了判决。

    Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers .

  13. 他大叫了一声倒在地板上。

    He gave a loud cry and fell to the floor .

  14. 她听得见废墟里传来的求救声。

    She could hear calls for help coming from the wreckage .

  15. 他从门后探一探头,打了声招呼。

    He popped his head around the door and said hello .

  16. 黎明时他被哭喊声吵醒。

    He was awakened at dawn by the sound of crying .

  17. 一听见他的说话声,她就背上一阵阵发冷。

    The sound of his voice sent shivers down her spine .

  18. “我是什么变化?”他柔声问道。

    ' How have I changed ? ' he asked silkily .

  19. 这伙歹徒听见警车声就逃走了。

    The gang took flight when they heard the police car .

  20. 一辆警车哧的一声从一条小巷里驶了出来。

    A police car screeched out of a side street .

  21. 一阵反常的寂静,接着便是一声尖叫。

    There was an unnatural silence and then a scream .

  22. 过往车辆的轰鸣声使我几乎什么也听不见。

    I could barely hear above the roar of traffic .

  23. 那辆汽车在沙砾路上嘎吱一声停了下来。

    The car drew up with a crunch of gravel .

  24. 炮火声太近,让人恐慌不安。

    The sound of gunfire was too close for comfort .

  25. 声迹与动作不同步。

    The sound track did not synchronize with the action .

  26. 她睁开眼睛,看到这情景,高兴得叫出声来。

    She opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at the scene .

  27. 他们听着下面汹涌澎湃的海浪声。

    They listened to the rush of the sea below .

  28. 她默默地坐在那儿,饶有兴致地听着时高时低的谈话声。

    She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation .

  29. 他们把她抬走的时候,她冲着他们尖声叫骂。

    She was shrieking abuse at them as they carried her off .

  30. 他捂上她的嘴,不让她叫出声来。

    He covered her mouth to stop her from screaming .