
  • 网络plastic zone;plastic region
  1. 探讨一种新的复合型断裂判据&塑性区最短距离r(min)判据

    A New Criterion of Combined Type Crack & The Criterion of Minimum Distance r_ ( min ) in Plastic Region

  2. 与实验结果的对比表明在这两种载荷下,U形无加强波纹管平面失稳与否主要取决于波纹管波峰、波谷以及环板中塑性区的产生与扩展。

    The calculation and the experimental results indicate that the in-plane instability of non-reinforced U-shape bellows relies on the appearance of plastic region in the roots , crowns and circular planes of bellows .

  3. 三维变形状态下CT试样的等效应力及塑性区分布

    Distribution of the effective stress and the plastic zone of CT specimen in 3-D deformation state

  4. 用X射线分析不同加载方式断裂的断口塑性区状态

    Analysis on Behaviour of Plastic Zone of Fracture Section in Different Loading Mode by X-ray Diffraction Method

  5. 针对混凝土结构,画出了不同参数b情况下的裂尖塑性区半径变化图。

    The shape and radius of crack tip plastic zone of type I cracks for concrete structure is given in this paper .

  6. 采用有限元分析软件ANSYS,结合了强度折减理论,在基于塑性区开展的评判标准下,对边坡体的稳定性进行模拟分析。

    The analysis of slope stability by using strength reduction FEM in software ANSYS .

  7. 随着q的继续增大,塑性区不断扩大,土坡处于弹塑性状态;

    With the increase of q , the plastic zone would extend , and the slope is in the elasto plastic state .

  8. 解方程后计算了裂纹尖端塑性区尺寸及裂纹尖端张开位移COD,给出了应变能释放率算式。

    The solutions are used to formulate the plastic zone length of the crack tip and COD and get the releasing ratio of strain energy .

  9. 对于有预制裂纹的试样,低脆性岩石声发射与裂纹尖端塑性区大小有关,指数b取决于材料的强度特性;高脆性岩石声发射主要受裂纹扩展速率控制。

    As to pre-cracked specimens , the low-brittleness rocks relate to the dimension of crack-tip plastic zone and index b depends on mechanical properties , whereas the high-brittle-ness rock are mainly controlled by the crack propagation rate .

  10. 损伤对Dugdale模型塑性区的影响

    Effects of Damage on the Plastic Zone of the Dugdale Model

  11. Shih〔1〕应用奇异单元,获得了不考虑应力松驰小范围屈服条件下复合型裂纹尖端塑性区形状。

    Using strange element , Shih obtained plastic zone shape at the crack tip for mixed mode crack .

  12. 考虑塑性区修正的有效应力强度因子Ke与弹塑性J积分参量KJ在失稳扩展前保持了良好的等效性。

    The plasticity modified stress intensity factor K e and J integral were found to be equivalent in description of the crack growth on steel pipeline .

  13. 考虑在塑性区内不排水强度su是扰动度D的线性函数,得到了考虑扰动的圆柱孔扩张的弹塑性解答。

    Considering that the undrained shear strength is the linear function of the disturbance degree D in plastic region , the elastic-plastic solution of the cylindrical expansion has been gained .

  14. 裂纹端部塑性区修正公式的改进&对Irwin模型的修正

    An improvement of corrective formula of plastic zone at the tip of a crack & my opinion on Irwin model

  15. 通过控制脱氧条件和顶渣的成分可以把MnO-Al2O3-SiO2类夹杂物的成分控制在塑性区内的。

    The composition of MnO-Al2O3-SiO2 inclusion can be controlled within the plastic area by controlling the condition of deoxidization and the composition of top slag .

  16. 利用Mises屈服准则从理论上分析了Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂纹尖端前缘的塑性区分布。

    In this paper , with Mises yield criterion , the plastic zone distribution in front of crack tip with mixed mode (ⅰ ⅱ) loading is analyzed theoretically .

  17. 本文从广义Mises屈服准则出发,建立了一个新的复合型断裂判据&广义塑性区尺寸因子判据。

    Based on the generalized Mises yield criterion , a new combined type of fracture criterion is established which is called the generalized plastic-region size factor fracture criterion .

  18. 循环载荷使得裂纹尖端的塑性区循环硬化/软化,这使无位错区的应力和裂纹尖端区域的J积分的值升高,从而有可能导致开裂。

    The effect of cyclic loading makes the plastic zone hardening ( or softening ), which raises the stress level in Dislocation-Free Zone ( DFZ ) and the value of - integral , and may lead to fracture .

  19. 研究给出无限大电磁固体裂纹尖端电塑性区和磁塑性区的大小、广义强度因子和局部J积分;研究了力、电、磁等载荷对局部J积分的影响。

    The sizes of the electric yielding zone and the magnetic yielding zone , the extended intensity factors and the local J-integral are obtained . The effect of the combined mechanical-electric-magnetic loadings on the local J-integral is studied .

  20. 采用ANSYS有限元程序对4个矿井巷道矿压显现规律进行了数值模拟,得出了巷道围岩位移、应力、塑性区的分布规律及支护体的受力分布规律;

    The rules of strata behavior of coal roadways in 4 Coal Mines are numerical simulated using ANSYS , hence , the distribution rules of displacement , stress and plastic area of roadway surrounding rock and the stress distribution rules of support body are attained .

  21. 在对D-M模型研究的基础上,给出了D-M模型塑性区尺寸的计算方法,并利用D-M模型对原裂纹尖端张开位移COD公式进行了推导。

    Gives the calculate method of plastic zone size of D-M model based on researching D-M model , and derivates the COD calculation of crack tip by D-M model .

  22. 根据弹性理论和Mohr-coulomb准则,导出了侧压力系数变化时均布条形载荷下地基中塑性区的控制方程。

    Based on elastic theory and Mohr-Coulomb criterion , formulas are established to determine soil 's plastic zone under band distributed-load with change of lateral earth pressure coefficient taken into account for isotropic soils .

  23. 数值结果表明:Mises等效应力、最大主剪应力、塑性区和变形越靠近轨缝越大;

    The results show that the Mises equivalent stress , the maximum shear stress , the plastic zone size and the deformations increase with a decrease in the distance from the contact point to the rail joint .

  24. 结果表明:高应变塑性区的存在对疲劳裂纹扩展有较大延缓作用,疲劳裂纹扩展速率可用经U修整后的δ和Paris公式表示,结果与标准试样的结果较为吻合。

    The results show that the fatigue crack closure in the plastic zone in the high strain region is more evident than in the normal stress region . The fatigue crack growth rate in both high strain and normal stress regions can be calculated by Paris law with modified by U.

  25. s-1时,放大系数为1.35,放大系数随动荷载振幅的增大而增大;围岩塑性区面积也随振幅增大而增大。

    When the amplitude is 0.5 m · s ~ ( - 1 ), the magnifying coefficient is 1.35.The magnifying coefficient and the area of plastic zone of surrounding rock increase with the increase of amplitude .

  26. 在ZrO2层状复合陶瓷中,压痕裂纹的形成除了因塑性区体积变化产生的残余应力外,还与相变应力有关。

    The formation of indentation cracking has some relationship with the transformation stress induced by martensitic transformation , besides the relationship with the residual stress by volume change in the plastic zone in ZrO_2 laminated ceramics .

  27. 40Cr钢疲劳裂纹扩展速率da/dN在缺口塑性区内外有明显的落升现象,在体弹性区内,冲击疲劳的da/dN亦可用Paris关系描述。

    The results showed that there was an obvious " fall-rise " phenomenon for da / dN inside and outside notch plastic zone ; in elastic zone the da / dN of impact fatigue crack also can be described with Paris relation .

  28. 运用广义Mises准则导出了考虑中间主应力的煤体塑性区宽度和垂直应力的计算公式,分析了煤壁片帮破坏机理,并提出了相应的煤壁片帮的防治措施。

    Using broad sense Mises criterion to lead out the width of plasticity district of coal mass and calculation formula of the vertical stress , analyze mechanism of rib fall of coal wall and put forward corresponding measure of prevention and cure .

  29. 围岩塑性区位于开挖面前1.5m范围内,锚杆主要受本施工段上台阶开挖的影响。

    In addition , the plastic zone in surrounding rock ranges 1.5 m in the front of an excavating face , and rock bolts are mainly influenced by the excavation of the upper bench in the current construction step .

  30. 本文推广了Dugdale平面裂纹条形塑性区简化模型,提出圆形片状埋藏裂纹的环状塑性区简化模型,并求出相应的COD公式,为此,本文还推广了卡氏定理。

    This paper extend the Dugdale model of plastic strip for plane crack , pleasant the simplified model of annular plastic district for the circular crack and find the corresponding COD formula , for the sack of these , the thesis extend the Castigliano Theorem .