
dǔ fèng
  • caulking;caulking joint
堵缝 [dǔ fèng]
  • [caulking joint] 一种接缝,用在联系梁与砌入墙内的托梁垫板中,具有鸠尾榫与凸凹榫的特点

堵缝[dǔ fèng]
  1. 面包果树也是Mau最喜欢的树,高大,轻爽,卷曲的果实适合造船,粘稠的乳胶适合堵缝蛇,富含淀粉的果实经过发酵,最适于做航海的食物。

    The breadfruit was Mau 's favourite tree anyway : tall and light , with a twisty grain excellent for boat-building , sticky latex for caulking , and big starchy fruit which , fermented , made the ideal food for an ocean voyage .

  2. 堵缝材料,铅丝制,用于管道连接

    Caulking of lead fibres , for pipe joints

  3. 你能用堵缝填补裂缝吗。

    Can you close the cracks with caulking ?

  4. 为了获得可变弯度静子叶栅的性能,对开缝、堵缝叶栅,以及四种弯度叶栅进行了试验研究。

    In this paper , an investigation has been made on slot & no slot cascades and four kinds of variable curvature cascades to obtain the performance of variable curvature stator cascades .

  5. 堵缝使用防水材料,如麻絮或沥青堵漏缝以使(船)不漏水本文介绍了石灰岩地区钻探施工中,利用液体高膨胀材料充填、堵漏新工艺。

    To make ( a boat ) watertight by packing seams with a waterproof material , such as oakum or pitch . A new technology on filling in and sealing against leak with expandable materials is introduced in this paper , which is applied in drilling in limestone area .

  6. 阐述了机器人的关键技术以及本文实现油井解堵造缝所采用的管道机器人的整体结构和工作原理。

    The paper describes the key technologies of robot and overall structure and working principle of pipeline robot .

  7. 采用管道机器人携带电极来实现井下的电脉冲解堵造缝操作克服了电脉冲解堵造缝技术原有的诸多局限性。

    Pipeline robot carrying electrode used to achieve the underground to carry out electrical impulse for plug removal and making slot technology overcomes many limitations of the existing technology .

  8. 采取油井堵水和水井堵缝等积极措施,调整注水及产液剖面,减缓层间和平面矛盾;

    The measures of oil well plugging and injection well caulking should be taken to adjust the water injection and production fluid profile and weaken conflicts between layers and the plane .