
  1. NBA战术体系根据基础配合的运用程度可分为掩护、策应、突破和单打四类;

    NBA tactical system can be classified screen , coordination , breakthroughs and singles according to the application of basketball basical offensive tactical cooperation ;

  2. 篮球防守基础配合可视化教学的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on Visual Teaching of Basketball Basis with Defensive

  3. 干混砂浆的基础配合比主要性能指标

    Main performance index of basic proportion for dry-mixed mortar

  4. 关于篮球进攻基础配合组合的探讨

    Combination of basic offensive play in basketball games

  5. 论第29届奥运会男篮进攻战术基础配合特点

    The Characteristic Analysis on Elementary Attacking Tactics of Male Basketball at the 29th Olympic Games

  6. 队员在基础配合中球运转不够流畅,站位比较死板。

    The players in the combination ball around based not smooth , stance compare inflexible .

  7. 在篮球普修课传切、掩护的战术基础配合和理论课教学中运用“学导式”教学法的研究

    Application of Self-Taught Guiding Method in Teaching the Play of Give-and-Go , Screening and Theory Lesson

  8. 篮球战术基础配合的质量直接影响全队战术完成的效果和个人技术的发挥。

    The quality of basic coordination of tactics has an important role in the performance in basketball .

  9. 对篮球进攻基础配合战术组合与相关技术关系的研究

    Research on the Correlation Between the Dribbling Offensive Fake Skills Combination and the Related Skills of Basketball

  10. 策应作为四种进攻基础配合之一,是篮球比赛中重要的得分手段。

    As one of the four basic coordinate with the attack , is an important basketball game score means .

  11. 篮球进攻战术基础配合主要是指队员两三人之间有目的、有组织的协同作战的配合方法。

    Attack in Basketball basis of our major players two or three people between the purpose , organized with coordinated operations .

  12. 师范院校进行进攻战术基础配合的达标标准应是以实战比赛、理论考试、行为区别为主。

    Normal Schools offensive tactics with on the basis of standard criteria should be based on the difference between combat game , theory test , behavior-based .

  13. 河南省师范院校进攻战术基础配合的达标标准主要是单个技战术的考核,成绩考试、初步掌握、目测。

    Henan Normal Schools offensive tactical cooperation on the basis of compliance standards , individual technical and tactical assessment , achievement test , the initial grasp , visual .

  14. 由于这种教学模式的影响,多数学生都不能系统的掌握进攻战术基础配合的组合运用,使教学效果欠佳。

    The impact of this teaching model , the majority of students are not systematically grasp the basis of offensive tactics with a combination of the use of teaching is ineffective .

  15. 防守基础配合运用的意识较好,但其运用的合理性和准确性处理的差,移动意识、应对突发事件的能力较差。

    The awareness of using basic defense tactics is better , while the rationality and accuracy are dealt with worse . Additionally , moving awareness and the ability of responding to emergencies are also worse .

  16. 防守战术基础配合指在篮球比赛中,两三名防守队员之间有目的、有组织的协同作战的简单防守配合方法,它是组成全队整体防守战术配合的基础。

    The basis of defensive tactics with the means basketball game , between two or three defenders purpose of organized defense coordinated operations with a simple method , which is composed of a team basis with the overall defensive tactics .

  17. 本研究就是用新的组合教学模式结合比赛实践的位置技术来弥补传统教学方法的不足,提高学生对进攻基础配合战术的理解和更接近实战运用。

    In this study , combined with the new combination of teaching mode competition practice location technology to compensate for the deficiencies of the traditional teaching methods , students with the tactics of the attack on the basis of understanding and closer to actual use .

  18. 各支球队虽然在战术组织方面讲究相互配合,但在具体实施过程中同样追求快速、高效,运用三种以上进攻战术基础配合的情况并不多见,表现出一定的多样性特点。

    Not only did the teams pay attention to cooperation with each other in tactics organization , but they also pursued high speed and high efficiency in tactics execution , and it is unusual for them to utilize more than three types of foundational cooperation in offensive tactics .

  19. 中国男篮防守战术基础配合运用16届世锦赛与29届奥运会相比,夹击配合运用呈上升趋势,而补防配合和交换配合呈下降趋势,其它配合变化均不大。

    Chinese Men with the use of defensive tactics based on the 29th of 16 World Championships and Olympic Games , compared with the use of attack is rising , while cooperation and exchanges with up against the downward trend , the other with no major changes . 3 .

  20. 在不同施肥基础上配合应用EM菌剂,对减轻黄瓜病害、降低土壤EC值也表现了较明显的效果。

    There has significant effect by applying biology fertilizer on alleviating the disease of the cucumber ; reducing the EC degree of the soil .

  21. 中久科技的良好基础可以配合VWR现时的亚太区业务,满足全球和本地客户的需要。

    LabPartner 's infrastructure will complement VWR 's current footprint in the Asia Pacific region to meet the needs of our global and local customers .

  22. 在常规治疗方案基础上配合复方丹参滴丸治疗在治疗后1个月明显改善VO2、VCO2、RQ(与治疗前比较P<0.05)。

    On the basis of conventional therapy , the combining use of . compound danshen dropping pill significantly improved VO2 、 VCO2 、 RQ after 1 month of treatment ( compared with those before treatment ) < 0.05 ) .

  23. 中医对DPN的基本病机普遍认为瘀血阻滞,脉络不通,因此治疗过程中,多在益气养阴等治疗基础上配合活血化瘀。

    The basic pathogenesis of DPN in traditional Chinese medicine is widely considered blood block and context impassability , therefore in the healing process , the method of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis is usually used on the basis of tonifying qi and yin .

  24. 主要讨论了网络负载平衡集群系统下,基本的平衡算法和动态负载平衡机制,在LVS的基础上配合轮询算法实现了集群的动态负反馈机制,给出了一个基本的动态平衡模型并加以分析。

    The paper mainly discusses the basic balance algorithms and dynamic load-balancing mechanism under the network load-balancing cluster system , achieves negative feedback mechanisms based on LVS in the poll with the dynamic clustering algorithm , gives a basic dynamic equilibrium model , and analyzes the model .

  25. 应用铜针疗法的基础上配合硬化剂注射治疗海绵状血管瘤。

    Objective : Copper needle puncturing combining sclerotherapy for the treatment of cavernous hemangioma .

  26. 就如何改善与提高足球基础战术配合的教学效果,运用教学对比实验法进行了初步研究。

    Comparative experiment was used to improve the teaching effect on coordination of basic tactics .

  27. 摘要目的:探讨在使用美比欧疤痕平的基础上配合使用纸板加压包扎治疗增殖性瘢痕,以观察其治疗效果。

    Objective : to observe the efficacy of MEBO Scar Lotion associated with paperboard compression bandage for treating hyperplastic scar .

  28. 常规护理的基础上配合腧穴热敏化艾灸治疗能有效缓解尿潴留。

    Conclusion : Application of acupoints moxibustion on the basis of conventional nursing can relieve urine retention for postoperative patients effectively .

  29. 对照组进行常规的平衡功能训练,治疗组在常规平衡功能训练的基础上配合头穴丛刺治疗。

    The control group took conventional functional training , the treatment group took acupuncture treatment on the base of conventional functional training .

  30. 结果表明:足球基础战术配合的教学中贯穿战术意识的培养,能激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学习的积极性;

    The results showed that developing tactical thinking which run through the football teaching of basic tactics had a lot of advantages .