
  • 网络the Christian Right
  1. 基督教右派的宗教观及其对布什政府外交的影响

    The Religious Visions of Christian Right and its Effects on the Diplomacy of Bush Administration

  2. 当去年这位来自西部如里根总统一样随心所欲的保守派跑去刻意讨好他本不能容忍的基督教右派时,这种糟糕的征兆就有了苗头。

    It was a bad omen last year when this freewheeling western conservative in the Reagan mould went off to court the intolerant Christian right .

  3. 随着美国历史发展周期的更替,2008年前后将会成为基督教右派宗教观影响下的美国单边主义外交结束的开始。

    With the cycle of American history , 2008 can be the start of the end of unilateral diplomacy of U S A.