
jūn héng
  • balanced;equalize;equilibrium;even;harmonious;proportionate;even out
均衡 [jūn héng]
  • [balanced;proportionate] 平衡

  • 均衡发展

均衡[jūn héng]
  1. 在减肥过程中保持饮食的营养相对均衡是明智的。

    It makes sense to eat a reasonably balanced diet when slimming .

  2. 关键是你的饮食要多样化,并保持均衡。

    It is essential that your diet is varied and balanced

  3. 超级大国承诺在武器运输方面要保持数量均衡。

    The superpowers pledged to maintain symmetry in their arms shipments .

  4. 伦敦幼儿园的分布非常不均衡。

    The availability of nursery school places varies widely across London .

  5. 这套公寓天花板很高,各房间比例均衡。

    The flat has high ceilings and well-proportioned rooms .

  6. 经济要达到平衡,收支必须均衡。

    For the economy to be in equilibrium , income must equal expenditure .

  7. 他喝咖啡和吸烟都比以前少了,饮食也均衡了。

    He cut down on coffee and cigarettes , and ate a balanced diet

  8. 种植前加入养分均衡的肥料。

    Work in a balanced fertiliser before planting .

  9. 利弊大致均衡。

    The plusses and minuses were about equal

  10. 没有其他方法可以确保人们饮食均衡。

    There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods .

  11. 营养搭配均衡的菜谱旨在不必忍受饥饿的前提下帮您每天减掉一磅体重。

    The nutritionally balanced menus are designed to help you lose up to a pound a day without hunger pangs .

  12. 失业数字在各地区之间的分布要比20世纪80年代初均衡多了。

    The loss of jobs has been far more evenly spread across the regions than it was during the early 1980s .

  13. 小孩子现在的问题是成长速度不均衡。他们被迫变得比自己的实际年龄老成。

    What kids experience now is an uneven rate of development . They are forced to be older than their years .

  14. 走钢丝的演员举着一把伞,保持身体的均衡。

    The tightrope walker kept her balance by holding an open umbrella .

  15. 中国将继续致力于转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,走出一条均衡和可持续的发展道路。

    We will work hard to transform the economic development pattern , restructure the economy and set out on a path of balanced and sustainable development .

  16. 肌肉的性能也受被称之为“中央疲倦”现象的影响,即身体中传递化学物质的信使不均衡,导致中央神经系统不能有效地指导肌肉运动。

    Muscle performance can also be affected by a phenomenon called " central fatigue , " in which an imbalance in the body 's chemical messengers prevents the central nervous system from directing muscle movements effectively .

  17. 这些语言的分布极不均衡。

    The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven .

  18. 使资源在全国分布均衡的政策

    a policy to equalize the distribution of resources throughout the country

  19. 护卫舰是任何一个配置均衡的远洋舰队所必需的

    Frigates are a vital part of any balanced sea-going fleet .

  20. 你需要均衡的饮食。

    You need a balanced diet .

  21. 应均衡饮食,保障充足饮水,以预防损伤和中暑。

    Eat a well-balanced diet and be sure to stay well-hydrated to prevent injury and heat illness .

  22. 这些食物都是精心挑选的,营养均衡、美味可口、保存期限长。

    These carefully selected food and beverages are nutritionally balanced , taste good and can be kept for a long time .

  23. 北京市公办中小学教师都将参加轮岗项目,促进教育优质均衡。

    Primary and middle school teachers in Beijing 's public school system will be required to take part in rotation and quality in the city .

  24. 要深化国家人口中长期发展战略和区域人口发展规划研究,促进人口长期均衡发展。

    The meeting urged efforts to deepen the national medium - and long-term population development strategy and regional population development planning to promote long-term and balanced population development .

  25. 综合质量表现均衡且分值较高,是山西省推广应用的重点品种。

    The best integrated turf quality was recorded in Ram I 、 Midnight 、 America 、 Connie 、 Liberator , which could be adopted in Shanxi . RamI 、 Midnight 、 America 、 Connie 、 Liberator

  26. 交流的形式有哪些?交流的形式包括区域内校长交流轮换、骨干教师均衡配置、普通教师派位轮岗等。

    The rotation programs will be carried out in different ways based on participants ' positions in which principals will rotate within the district , outstanding teachers equally distributed , and average teachers rotate on assigned jobs .

  27. Web服务器的负载均衡

    Web Server Load Balance

  28. Internet的负载均衡

    On Internet Load Balancing

  29. WTO对中国汽车产业影响的一般均衡分析

    A General Equilibrium Analysis on Impact Produced by WTO Entry to China 's Automobile Industry

  30. 结构化P2P网络中基于流言传播的负载均衡

    Load balance based on rumor mongering in structured P2P networks