
dì miàn zhuān
  • floor tile
  1. 分析地面砖施工中容易出现的问题,提出相关的解决办法。

    This paper analyzes the problems existing in indoors floor tile construction and proposes the corresponding solution .

  2. 阐述了水泥砂浆地面起砂的处理方法及粘贴地面砖空鼓的处理方法。

    This paper expounds the methods for treating the ground dusting of cement mortar and the methods for treating the hollowing in pasting floor tile .

  3. 混凝土地面砖成型机及其生产工艺的研究

    Research on the Concrete Interlocking Block-Making Machine and its Production Technology

  4. 炼铜废渣&诺砂试制经济型压制地面砖的研究

    Study on the Low-cost Pressing Floor Tiles with Copper Slag

  5. 地面砖爆裂拱起的原因分析及预防措施

    Reason Analysis and Preventive Measures of Cracking and Arching of Floor Tiles

  6. 利用粉煤灰制取彩色地面砖的研究与开发

    The Study of Utilization of Fly Ash in Making Color Brick for Ground

  7. 用钢渣粉烧结钢渣地面砖的研究

    The Research of Sintering Brick Using Steel Slag

  8. 粉煤灰彩色地面砖的研制

    Development of Colour Paving Tile Made of Flyash

  9. 彩色地面砖的成型和应用

    Application and Shaping of Colour Ground Brick

  10. 各种外墙砌块、内墙砌块、花墙砌块、地面砖、护坡块、还可生产联锁路面砌块和路边石等砌块。

    Making all kind of blocks such as hollow block , curbstone , interlock block , grass block , slope block .

  11. 环氧地坪较之水磨石、地面砖等有许多优点,文章详细介绍了某工业厂房的环氧地坪施工,供国内同行借鉴。

    This article introduces in details the epoxy floor level construction in a factory building to the foreign and domestic fellow members for reference .

  12. 我走进所住的房间,只见设施略显陈旧,洗手间的地面砖已经破裂,桌上和洗脸盆里居然有烟灰。

    I walked into the living room , only slightly outdated facilities , toilets and the tile has broken down on the table and wash basin there are as many as soot .