
dì fɑnɡ bǎo hù zhǔ yì
  • local protectionism;regional protectionism
  1. 他还反对商业活动中的垄断把持、欺诈作伪和地方保护主义;

    He also opposed commercial monopoly , cheating and regional protectionism .

  2. 体制转轨时期的地方保护主义探源

    Research on Regional Protectionism in the Period of Institutional Reformation

  3. 在WTO视野中,我国行政法治面临着挑战,即地方保护主义、内部规范性文件、行政审批制、行政性垄断。

    China 's entry of WTO challenges the country 's administrative law , such as its local protection , internal documents , administrative approval and monopoly .

  4. 面对WTO可能带来的冲击,尽管地方保护主义的篱笆有所拆除,但封锁性政策造成的不平等竞争仍然很严重。

    Facing against the impacts from the fact that after joined in WTO , unequal competition caused by the blockade policies shall be still severe , although the " fence " of local protection policy is broken a bit .

  5. 近年来,中国的法律体系已经显著改善,但仍然存在地方保护主义和政治影响的问题,英国路伟律师事务所(Lovells)驻上海合伙人马锦德(DouglasClark)表示。

    The Chinese legal system has improved greatly in recent years , but problems remain with local protectionism and political influence , said Douglas Clark , a partner with Lovells law firm in Shanghai .

  6. 以制度创新来遏制地方保护主义是治本之举。

    Therefore , to contain local protectionism system innovation is required .

  7. 地方保护主义盛行,市场分割严重。

    The prevalence of local protectionism and market segmentation serious .

  8. 这部分详细分析了三种典型的行政不负责任现象:腐败、地方保护主义和短期行为。

    This part analyses three typical irresponsible phenomena in details ; corruption .

  9. 我国现行委托执行制度及其运作存在一些问题,解决思路与对策有:改革司法体制,克服地方保护主义对委托执行的冲击;

    There are some defects in China 's system of entrusted execution .

  10. 地方保护主义探源&一个政治晋升博弈模型

    An Analysis of Local Protectionism & A Game Model of Political Promotion

  11. 从政府经济行为看地方保护主义

    Local Protectionism Viewed From the Economic Behavior of the Government

  12. 地方保护主义:区域经济的障碍性因素

    Local Protectionism is a Hindering Factor to Regional Economy

  13. 一个关于中国地方保护主义问题的综述

    A Review of Local Protectionism in Chinese Domestic Market

  14. 区域经济发展与行政壁垒(地方保护主义)的矛盾日益凸现。

    Economic integration and administrative barriers ( local protectionism ) the contradiction between .

  15. 政府与市场互动中的地方保护主义

    Local Protectionism in the Interaction Between Government and Markets

  16. 地方保护主义分割市场,破坏公平竞争的环境。

    Local protectionism has sectionalized the market and damaging the environment of fair competition .

  17. 论制度创新与遏制地方保护主义

    System Innovation and Containment of Local Protectionism

  18. 遏制地方保护主义的若干思考

    Some Thoughts about Suppressing the Local Protection

  19. 地方保护主义的危害及其应对策略

    Harmfulness of Regional Protectionism and Its Countermeasures

  20. 地方保护主义得以存在并发展的主要原因在于制度及法律等方面,应完善制度、法律加以解决。

    We should perfect the system and law to solve the problem of local protection .

  21. 试析地方保护主义的政治影响

    The political impacts of local protectionism

  22. 论地方保护主义的含义

    On The Implication of Local Protectionism

  23. 而地方保护主义会削弱甚至逆转地区竞争相对于国家垄断的效率优势。

    Local protectionism further undermines and even reverses benefits from decentralization compared with centralized national monopoly .

  24. 北部湾经济区发展过程中的地方保护主义浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Local Protectionism in the Process of Development of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone

  25. 论地方保护主义与矿产资源管理秩序治理整顿

    Discussion on bringing local protectionism under permanent control and administering the order of mineral resources management

  26. 这是地方保护主义。

    This is local protectionism .

  27. 司法独立与地方保护主义

    Judicial Independence and Local Protectionism

  28. 目前,我国的政府体系实际上表现出竞争性,恶性竞争会导致地方保护主义。

    Competition actually exists in the government system of China and vicious competition leads to local protectionism .

  29. 地方保护主义的产生根源于地方政府的个体理性与群体理性之间的困境。

    The local protectionism roots from the corner of individual logos between colony logos in local government .

  30. 建立一套完善的机制,防止管辖规避和克服地方保护主义。

    Establishing a set of improved mechanism in order to avoid evading jurisdiction and conquering local protectionism .