
dì shì
  • terrain;topography;relief;physical features of a place;physical geography
地势 [dì shì]
  • [topography;relief;terrian] 地面高低起伏的形势

  • 此地势高下之不同也。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈》

地势[dì shì]
  1. 本文以LANDSATTM图像为主信息源,对研究区内影响土地持续利用的自然环境要素地貌、地表土壤质地、温度、湿润度和地势进行了遥感判读。

    By using the Landsat TM images as main resources of information , the interpretation and the mapping of physical environment components such as geomorphy , soil parent materials , temperature , humidity and relief for the land use of the study area were taken in this paper .

  2. 在正常情况下,矿石与地势高的地方有联系。

    Ore is normally associated with areas of high relief .

  3. 这栋房子地势较高,可以俯瞰全城。

    The house is in an elevated position , overlooking the town .

  4. 地势向河边陡然倾斜。

    The land falls away sharply towards the river .

  5. 在我们脚下,地势陡降。

    The ground dropped sheer away at our feet .

  6. 在地势低平的珊瑚岛或环礁上没有这种螺。

    These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands or atolls .

  7. 科西嘉岛腹地地势高企,环境荒芜。

    The interior of Corsica is high and untamed .

  8. 地势变得更开阔、更平整,风景十分优美。

    The landscape became wider , flatter and very scenic

  9. 这座花园位于地势连绵起伏的汉普郡的一处山岗上,环境十分优美。

    The garden is in a beautiful situation on top of a fold in the rolling Hampshire landscape .

  10. 乡村起伏不平的地势使人们摆脱了城市刻板的横平竖直景象。

    The undulating planes of the countryside provide relief from the hard horizontals and verticals of the urban scene .

  11. 地势平缓。

    The terrain slopes gently .

  12. 这儿的地势朝河的方向低了下去。

    The land falls off here towards the river .

  13. 这里地势很高。

    The terrain here is very high .

  14. 这里地势平坦,其视野之开阔令人敬畏

    The land is flat , and the views are awesomely extensive .

  15. 洪水正在地势低洼地区肆虐。

    The floods are wreaking havoc in low-lying areas .

  16. 我国西部地区地势复杂,多丘陵

    In the western of China are intricate terrains and many hilly regions .

  17. 峡谷东面地势变得平坦起来。

    East of the gorge leveled out .

  18. 基于DEM的准噶尔盆地及其西北山区地势起伏度研究

    Relief Amplitude in Junggar Basin and peripheral Northwest Mountains

  19. 在空间上,温度与NDVI呈负相关像元面积大,多分布于高海拔地区,呈正相关的像元多分布于地势起伏小的地区。

    In the space , the area of temperature and NDVI is negatively correlation is large .

  20. 在土层深厚肥沃、地势平缓、立地条件好的造林地,造林株行距可采用2m×4m。

    Incipient planting space of 2 m × 4 m is preferable in deep , fertile and flat sites .

  21. 从全极化(hh,hv,vh,vv)合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像数据中,可提取方位向的地势倾斜度信息,形成极化SAR三维成像。

    Terrain slope information may be drawn from polarimetric synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) two-dimensional image , so that three-dimensional image can be generated .

  22. 马其顿的地势大都高低不平,它位于瓦尔达尔河(vardar)山谷周围的ar和rhodope两座山之间。

    The terrain is mostly rugged , located between the AR and Rhodope mountains around the valley of Vardar .

  23. 结果表明,由于天津地势低洼易涝,地表水资源量大于35亿m3的丰水年,粮食减产;

    The analysis shows that in the year with surface water resource more than 35 × 109m3 , the grain yield decreases , because there is a lot of water logged lowland in Tianjin ;

  24. 在加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)的普里奥拉托(Priorat)产区,有些地势较高的葡萄园含有闪闪发光的黑色板岩和石英岩(quartz)(这种土壤在当地叫做llicorella),来自这里的很多红葡萄酒也都有着一种共同的风味。

    And in Priorat , Catalonia , there is a flavour common to many of the red wines from vineyards high in the sparkling mix of black slate and quartz known locally as llicorella .

  25. 利用CB-IV机理在复杂地势下对O3时空分布的数值计算研究

    The Numerical Simulating of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ozone Formation in Complex Terrain by CB-IV Mechanism

  26. 芬兰地势平坦,很少有山,其最高点,高1328米,在拉普兰(Lapland)的最北面。

    The Finnish landscape is mostly flat with few hills and its highest point , the Haltitunturi at1,328 m , is found in the extreme north of Lapland .

  27. 本文利用广义黎曼问题方法(GRP)来解决带有河床地势的浅水波方程组,由此得到了一个推广了的Gudonov型数值格式。

    This paper uses the generalized Riemann problem method ( GRP ) to solve the system of shallow water equations with bottom topography , then a Godunov-type scheme for the shallow water equations with bottom topography is obtained .

  28. 3S支持下土地利用生态效益时空差异与生态安全评价利用CB-IV机理在复杂地势下对O3时空分布的数值计算研究

    Studies on the Spatial-temporal Changes of Eco-efficiency of Land Use and Ecological Security Assessment Based on 3S The Numerical Simulating of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ozone Formation in Complex Terrain by CB-IV Mechanism

  29. 各坝址孔中最大水平主应力值最高约为17MPa,最大水平主应力方向受局部地形地势影响变化较大,但大多数孔方向仍为NNE或NEE;

    The largest amplitude of maximum horizontal principal stress is about 17 MPa in all the boreholes in the dams areas , and the orientations are mainly NNE or NEE though influenced by local topography ;

  30. 北部是人口较多的地方,地势比较开阔,但仍然会有不少山峦起伏。例如,汝拉(Jura)山-瑞士东北的一座相对较小的山脉。

    The northern , more populous part of the country is more open , but can still be mountainous , for example , in the Jura Mountains , a smaller range in the northwest .