
  1. 那么这本新的约会圣经会成为下一个居亚马逊书单榜首的书吗?

    So could this new dating bible be the next Amazon number one ?

  2. 因为圣经会指引你去天堂,指引给你正确的生活方向。

    Because Bible is a guide to Heaven , a handbook for right living .

  3. 他原来没想到,耶稣对圣经会有那么高深透彻的认识。

    He did not expect Him to manifest so deep and thorough a knowledge of the Scriptures .

  4. 谦恭的人类形式述说的圣经会承传谬误与降尊为人类样式的基督受罪影响有更多可能。

    WE DENY that the humble , human form of Scripture entails errancy any more than the humanity of Christ , even in His humiliation , entails sin .

  5. 他在去年的圣经学习会上说的。

    He spoke at the Bible study convention last year .

  6. 在这“黑色聚会”中,一部《圣经》会被焚毁。

    During the black mass a Bible is burned .

  7. 不过:为什麽我们在圣经里会看到上帝这种暴力的形象呢?

    But : why we can find such violent images of God in the Bible ?

  8. 人们想知道戴恩在清教教堂里听到布道牧师认真解释圣经时会作何感想。

    One wonders what Dane thought of the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in puritan churches .

  9. 我们翻阅整个圣经,会发现一大堆东西都存在伦理道德问题。

    As we look through the Bible , we find a number of things that seem , at best , morally problematic .

  10. 被称为英国国教或英国圣公会。试论新泽西圣经公会英文版《圣经》的修辞手法

    It was called the Church of England , or the Anglican Church . On rhetorical devices in The Holy Bible published by New Jersey International Bible Society

  11. 所以我决定看看,真正依照圣经教导行事会怎样?

    So I decided , what if you really did take the Bible literally ?

  12. 世界天主教圣经传道者联合会;

    World Catholic Federation for the biblical apostolate ;

  13. 读圣经,祷告会使你更明白怎样把神放在第一位。

    Reading your Bible and praying will help you understand how to put Him first !

  14. 这就是为什么《圣经》上会写:“他心怎样思量,他为人就是怎样。”朋友,你消沉的自信心将限制你,击垮你。

    That 's why the Bible says : " As a man sees himself , so is that man or woman . " So friend , your low self-confidence will limit and paralyze you .

  15. 父亲的计划是:“如果我们儿子拿了钱,将来会是个商人;如果拿了圣经,将来会是个牧师;但他如果拿了那瓶威士忌,恐怕儿子将来会变成酒鬼。”

    The father 's plan was : " If our son takes the money , he will be a businessman , if he takes the Bible , he will be a priest - but if he takes the bottle of whiskey , I 'm afraid our son will be a drunkard . "

  16. 因为圣经应许我们一定会再见面。

    The Bible promises that we will see them again .

  17. 你去找本圣经来,我会对它发誓的

    Now , you find a bible , I 'll swear on it .

  18. 在圣经时代,人们会用灰涂抹自己的身体,来表达对所犯过错的忏悔。

    In Biblical times , people covered themselves in ash to express their sorrow for their sins .

  19. 无论你心情如何,只要你读圣经,神都会跟你说话。

    No matter what emotional state you find yourself , read the Bible and God will speak to you .

  20. 基督教的“圣经”说:会有的善良与邪恶的势力之间的最后一战有结束的时间。

    The Christian Bible says there will be a final battle there between the forces of good and evil at the end of time .

  21. 在旧约圣经中,我们会发现许多故事是有关神探望祂的子民,又或在他们有需要时,神差派人去帮助他们。

    In the Old Testament we find many stories about God visiting his people or sending someone to them when they are in need .

  22. 他告诉广播听众,如果能以某种方式阅读圣经,你也许会对思想犯罪感到有罪。

    " If you read the Bible in a certain way , he told his broadcast listeners ," you may be guilty of committing a'thought crime .