
  1. 随身带着圣徒迈克的圣牌。

    Carried a saint michael 's medal .

  2. 如果我对此还不是门外汉的话,我以为,科学和艺术乃是自然这枚圣牌的正反面。

    If I understand the matter at all , science and art are the obverse and reverse of Nature 's medal ;

  3. 不不不,那是个贵到吓死人的圣安杰洛牌玻璃碗。

    No. No , no , no. That 's a criminally expensive Santangelo bowl .

  4. 那里有个装着圣安杰洛牌玻璃碗的盒子,是他们准备送我们的结婚礼物。

    There is a box over there with a Santangelo glass bowl that they got us for our wedding .

  5. 他用精金做圣冠上的牌,在上面按刻图书之法,刻着:归耶和华为圣。

    They made the plate , the sacred diadem , out of pure gold and engraved on it , like an inscription on a seal : HOLY TO THE Lord .