
  • 网络Name of figure
  1. 设计点、线、面综合作图题是画法几何教学中经常遇到的问题。

    Designing the comprehensive graphing exercises of the points , lines and planes is the problem that is often encountered in the teaching of the descriptive geometry .

  2. 工程图学习题库远程共享研究

    Discussions on Long-Distance Sharing of Engineering Drawing Exercises

  3. 索恩给他回复了一个饼状图,题为大卫为S'免费效劳的热情,并将饼状图各分块分别标上了什么都没有、极小的一点以及几乎没有。

    Thorne replies with a pie chart entitled : David 's enthusiasm for doing free work for S ' labelling the segments none , the tiniest bit and hardly any .

  4. 谁能用线段图说明这题的意思?谁愿意试一试。

    T : Who can draw a line segment to explain this problem ? Who wants to try ?