
Figure xx shows a C-2 form generated by the sample application with the data overlaid on the C2 form image
MSTAR images generated source code tool , very simple and convenient , now20 , the words are not enough ?
At the same time , another subject of this research , is also room for data management methods and to generate images to be important conclusion , the theoretical space for data management and image generation methods were studied and explored .
Once again , you 're left with the oft-ignored alt tag to represent in a few words what your hours of image manipulation produced .
Click the figure to see the generated source .
Best for line art and computer-generated drawings . Only 256 colors . Insufficient color for many photos .
In Chapter Four , case studies are done with visual grammar under the framework of multimodal discourse analysis to disclose the way of meaning-making in news images .
Specific approach is to first use the method to generate two-dimensional fractal texture image , then use the resulting texture image as a texture map source data , adding moving effect , change the texture roughness and finally realize the effect of cloud flowing .