
  1. 但是我国除锑锭外,其它锑品的种类极少。

    But the production of antimony is only a few except antimony ingot .

  2. 浅谈我国除雪机械的发展及在除雪工作中的应用

    Simple Talking about Development of Snow Breaking Machinery and Its Application in Snow Breaking

  3. 狗獾广泛分布于欧亚大陆,在我国除台湾和海南省外,各省均有分布(高耀亭等,1987)。

    Badger is widely distributed in Eurasia , and throughout China except Taiwan and Hainan provinces ( GaoYaoting et al , 1987 ) .

  4. 目前我国除台湾地区外高速滚珠丝杠副的发展水平和国外相比还有不小的差距。

    Currently our country in addition to the Taiwanese region compares to abroad still have a very big margin in high-speed ball screw unit development .

  5. 缔约国除在本国负有适用本公约义务之范围外,无权对其他缔约国援用本公约。

    Contracting State shall not be entitled to avail itself of the present Convention against other Contracting States except to the extent that it is itself bound to apply the Convention .

  6. 而在我国除少数个别项目之外,大多数大型赛事的电视转播资源未能销售出去,造成了极大的资源流失和浪费。

    But in our country except the minority individual project outside , the majority large-scale sports event television relay resources has not been able to sell , created the enormous resources to flow the waste .

  7. 浙东地区是越文化的发源地,在公元前137年东瓯国除以前,5000年的浙江上古史是越族及其先民的历史。

    The region of east Zhejiang is the source of Yue culture . Before 137 B. C. , the over - 5000 - year history of Zhejiang is the history of Yue nationality and its ancestors .

  8. 石煤属黑色炭质页岩,是一种含钒矿物,是我国除钒钛磁铁矿外另一种重要钒矿资源。

    Stone coal is black carbonaceous shale which contains vanadium . It is an alternative resource of vanadium in China , besides the vanadium and titanium magnetite ore. Our country is rich in stone coal resources , more than 20 around the province .

  9. 我国(除台湾省外)按120万hm2茶园,每公顷产茶籽375kg计算,每年可产4.5亿kg茶籽。

    The tea seed production per year is about 450 million kg in China , based on 1.2 million ha of tea gardens ( not including Taiwan Province ) with 375 kg seed per ha .

  10. 新共和国领导人除批准此约外,别无它法。

    The leader of the New Republic had no choice but to ratify this treaty .

  11. 当前,我国政府除自身存在的效率低下等问题之外,还面临着许多新的挑战,需要进行改革,适应发展需要。

    Presently , the government of China is facing many new challenges , in addition to low efficiency , and needs to carry on the reform .

  12. 并初步探讨了不同的改性滤料的除氟机理和去除效果、可能的影响因素和我国现今除氟技术的应用概况。

    It also discusses the mechanism and effect of fluoride removal with modified filter media , and general situation of its usage in fluoride removal techniques .

  13. 我国西部除部分地区属平原微丘区外,大部分地区属山岭重丘区,山高谷深、地形复杂险峻。

    Besides with parts of level cross country , western region of China is a mountainous zone , with high mountains and deep gorges , steep terrain .

  14. 在我国,除单层次传销即直销外,其它一切传销活动都为法律所禁止,即我国的传销包括国外允许而在我国禁止的多层次传销和各国都禁止的金字塔传销。

    In China , in addition to Direct Selling , all other MLM are prohibited by law . Legal MLM in foreign and Illegal MLM banned in all the countries are both been banned in our country .

  15. 我国企业除完善自身并懂得与运用反倾销法进行反倾销外,还要聘请具有专业经验的律师加大反倾销工作力度,利用多边贸易体系中的权力来维护我国的合法权益。

    Besides perfecting ourselves and making use of antidumping law to do so , meanwhile , strengthen antidumping work through engaging lawyer with professional experience , protect China 's legal right and profit via using right of multilateral trade system .

  16. 而在我国,除影响环境变化的共同因素外,还因为经济体制改革和行业内的过度竞争,使得企业所遇到的动态竞争程度之高比国外企业有过之而无不及。

    However , besides the common factors that affect the changes of environment , the enterprises in our country encounter more dynamic competition than the ones in other countries due to the reforms of economic system and excess competition within one industry .

  17. 我国主要饮水除氟技术及设备调查报告

    A Report on Investigation of Main Technologies and Facilities of Drinking Water Defluoridation in China

  18. 我国保安处分除在实体上进行系统的整合外,还需在程序上进行规范。

    In addition to be integrated in substantial law systematically , the security measures in our country need to be normalized in procedural law .

  19. 我国资本市场除应大力发展已经成形的普通股股票市场及债券市场外,还应进一步将优先股引入企业股份结构。

    Besides the accelerated development of common stock market and bond market , the preferred stock should be drawn into the stock structure of company .

  20. 自1993年以来,我国国际收支除个别年份外,都保持经常项目与资本和金融项目双顺差的格局。

    Since 1993 , excepting the individual years , the international payment balance of our country has maintained the double favorable balance among current accounts and capital accounts .

  21. 由此,我国商业银行除在传统业务领域与外资银行竞争以外,还要在网络金融服务领域展开竞争。

    From here , our country commercial bank is in addition to at traditional business realm and the foreign capital bank competitions , still wanting in the network the financial service realm launches the competition .

  22. 我国传统村镇除少量为宋元时期的之外,多为明清时期遗留下来的,主要分布在古代经济文化发达,但近代以来交通闭塞、经济落后的山区或区域环境独立偏僻、地形险要之地。

    Existing Tradition Villages and Towns mainly have long history of Ming and Qing Dinasty and distributes in the region which is developed in ancient times , for the traffic has been unenlightened , these regions develop very slow .

  23. 中国是继美国、欧盟、加拿大、巴西之后的世界第5大农产品出口国,也是除欧盟、美国、日本之外的第4大农产品进口国,对世界农产品市场具有举足轻重的作用。

    China now is the 5th largest agricultural exportation country , following the United States , European Union , Canada and Brazil , and it is also the 4th biggest agricultural importation country , following European Union , the United States and Japan .

  24. 我国已经批准了除水产品之外的其它六类辐照食品。

    China has permitted six kinds except aquatic products . 4 .

  25. 结果显示,我国优秀男排队除拦网外,在发球、扣球等方面有一定的差距。

    The results show that the China 's teams are weak in serving , spiking , excepting their blocking .

  26. 我国劳动法规定除破产情况以外,公司不得解雇怀孕员工。

    China 's labor law stipulates that a company should not fire a pregnant employee unless the company is insolvent .

  27. 我国居民消费水平除受制于收入分配差距外,还受消费自身惯性的影响。

    The consumer level in China , influenced not only by income distribution gap , but also by the inter inertia of consumption .

  28. 菊花是我国传统名花,除被广泛应用于切花、盆栽以及园林绿化观赏外,因其风味独特,营养价值高,亦可作食用和饮用。

    Chrysanthemum is a traditional flower , wildly used for cut , potted and ornamental landscaped , besides its unique smell , high nutrition , it can also make food and drink .

  29. 此外,美国的双反措施产生的巨大示范效应也不利于我国外贸企业扩展除美国之外的其他国际市场。

    In addition , the huge demonstration effect of the American " double reverse " measures is also not conducive to Chinese foreign trade enterprises to expand international markets except the United States .

  30. 基于此,本文认为,我国未来物权法除应规定直接交付即现实交付外,尚应对观念交付作出规定。

    On this basis , the thesis holds the opinion that the future tern law of our country shall lay down rules on conceptual delivery besides rules on direct delivery , namely , real delivery .