
  1. 青岛港建设国际集装箱枢纽港的思考

    Consideration about Constructing Qingdao Port into An International Container Hub Port

  2. 我国国际集装箱枢纽港建设研究

    Research on the Construction of International Container Hub Port in China

  3. 开发上海集装箱枢纽港的设想加快青岛国际集装箱枢纽港建设的战略构想

    The Strategic Concept of Speeding up Qingdao Port into An International Container Hub Port

  4. 《有多高》上海国际集装箱枢纽港备选方案比较

    HOW HIGH Comparative Research for Prepared Schemes of International Container Pivotal Port of Shanghai

  5. 国际集装箱枢纽港的形成演化机理与发展模式研究

    A study on the formation & evolvement mechanism and development mode of international container load center

  6. 天津港是中国北方的国际集装箱枢纽港,在我国的经济发展中起着重要作用。

    Tianjin Port is an international container hub at North China and playing an important role in China economic development .

  7. 为竞争国际集装箱枢纽港、国际航运中心的地位,各大港口也都在加大投入完善软硬件环境。

    For being international container hub ports and international shipping center , major ports are increasing investment in improving their hardware and software environment .

  8. 本文首先概述了在上海港与东北亚港口争建国际集装箱枢纽港的背景下,港航费收博弈的意义、目的和研究现状,提出了论文的研究思路和技术路线。

    First of all , the text summarizes the competition among ports of the region and give the purpose and technique route of the thesis .

  9. 宁波-舟山港将整合优势,全面发展大宗散货枢纽港和国际集装箱枢纽港,推进两港联合共同发展的以港口、物流及航运为主体的海洋经济,为打造“海洋浙江”发挥积极作用。

    Ningbo port and Zhoushan Port are going to develop the " oceanic economy " mainly covering business of container and bulk-cargo by combining ports , logistics and shipping lines as the leading part .

  10. 我国己形成南、中、北三个集装箱港群,香港和深圳成为我国南方国际集装箱枢纽港的地位己不可动摇;

    Three container ports clusters have come into being in the south , the central region and the north of China respectively . Hong Kong port and Shenzhen port are the node port in the south ;

  11. 阪神地震成就了釜山这个东北亚国际集装箱枢纽港的地位,大小洋山深水港的逐步启用,将有可能使上海成为中国真正的国际集装箱枢纽港。

    Busan became the international container hub port of Northeast Asia because of Osaka-Kobe earthquake . And Shanghai may become the real international container hub port of china , as using of big and small Yangshan deepwater port .

  12. 论文分析了全球主要国际集装箱枢纽港的发展与布局模式,包括中转型枢纽港,如新加坡:腹地引致型枢纽港,如鹿特丹港、纽约港;

    The paper analyzes the mode and background of some main international hub container ports , including the hinterland-magnetized load center , such as Singapore port ; relaying hub container ports , such as New York port and Rotterdam port ;

  13. 天津港是中国最大的人工港,是中国北方国际集装箱运输的枢纽港,现以成为综合性多功能的国际港口。

    Tianjin port is the largest artificial port , it is the international container transportation of north China , and a comprehensive multi-purpose international port .

  14. 随着世界经济中心逐渐向亚太地区转移,亚洲地区已成为国际集装箱贸易运输中心,建成国际集装箱枢纽港成为亚洲主要航运国家所共同关心的问题。

    As the economic center in the world gradually transfers toward the Pacific Asia region , Asia has become the transportation center of international container trade . As a result , setting up international hub port is now the problem which the main shipping nations of the region concerning about .

  15. 上海要建成国际航运中心,核心是建成国际集装箱深水枢纽港。

    Shanghai should be built into International Shipping Hub , first of all should build international container deepwater terminal port .