
ɡuó jì yú lùn
  • international public opinion;world opinion
  1. 该报刊的影响力甚至扩散到了海外,对当时的中国获得国际舆论支持有一定的帮助。

    It helped China gained some international public opinion because its influence had spread to overseas .

  2. 全国过渡理事会非常看重国际舆论的导向,并且他们极力想要避免利比亚成功解放地区的混乱,同时也包括首都的黎波里。

    The NTC is acutely sensitive to international public opinion , and desperately wants to avoid chaos in liberated areas , including the capital .

  3. 这项调查是由救助儿童会于今年3月23日和4月14日之间委托国际舆论研究和咨询公司GlobeScan完成的。

    The survey was conducted for Save the Children between March 23 and April 14 by the international opinion research and consultancy GlobeScan.organization advocating for children .

  4. 三唤起了国际舆论的同情。

    3 the war has the sympathy of world public opinion .

  5. 但北京方面也表露出对阿拉伯乃至国际舆论的误判。

    Yet Beijing betrays the same misreading ofarab and international opinion .

  6. 我们制造的国际舆论让俄罗斯在短时间内就被孤立。

    Our ability to shape world opinion helped isolate Russia right away .

  7. 你觉得国际舆论对中国的责难如何?(小样的开始反攻了啊!)

    Viviana says : what do you think about international critics to china ?

  8. 我国国际舆论环境:现状、原因及对策

    The International Public Opinion Environment of Our Nation : Situation , Reason and Countermeasure

  9. 2006年的时候她不顾国际舆论的反对,收养了马拉威的一个小男孩。

    And she defied international disapproval in2006 by adopting a young boy from Malawi .

  10. 国际舆论及其环境的营造

    Constructing International Public Opinion and Its Circumstance

  11. 受到国际舆论的强烈谴责

    Be strongly denounced by the world opinion

  12. 比如,伊朗将置国际舆论于不顾,在推进铀浓缩计划方面取得重大进展。

    Iran will make significant progress , for example , in developing its enrichment programme , defying world opinion .

  13. 国际舆论非常重要不过在需要保护人民国土和生活方式的时候美国无需征得任何人的同意

    International opinion matters but America should never ask permission to protect our people , our homeland or our way of life

  14. 然而,我们不能不发现,相对于世界政治经济秩序的发展进程,国际舆论传播的秩序与规则,似乎大大落后于时代潮流了。

    Unfortunately the rules governing the international media order lag behind the times , especially compared to changes in politics and economics .

  15. 虽然国际舆论很重要,但是在保护我们的人民、祖国和生活方式这些问题上,美国不需要得到别人的许可。

    International opinion matters , but America should never ask permission to protect our people , our homeland or our way of life .

  16. 同时这种功能也包含在战争中利用视觉设计争取第三方的支持,营造有利于己的国际舆论。

    Such function is also exhibited in how to win the support of the third side and create beneficial international opinion during the warfare .

  17. 这是拖延和抗拒统一的借口,是欺骗台湾同胞和国际舆论的伎俩。

    This is an excuse for postponing and resisting reunification , as well as a scheme to deceive compatriots in Taiwan and world opinion .

  18. 现在国际舆论压我们,我们泰然处之,不受他们挑动。

    At the moment , the media worldwide are putting pressure on us ; We should take it calmly and not allow ourselves to be provoked .

  19. 由于国际舆论不断指责人民币被严重低估,要求人民币大幅升值的呼声给投机者以可乘之机赌人民币升值。

    The international public opinion constantly accused of being seriously underestimated for the sharp rise in the voice of an opportunity for speculators gambling RMB appreciation .

  20. 中国对于伊朗(中国第三大石油供应国)的依赖,也使中国遭到国际舆论的批评,因为中国力求弱化美国牵头的对伊制裁。

    Its reliance on Iran , its third-largest source of crude , also leaves it open to international criticism as it battles to temper US-led sanctions .

  21. 转型期公共场域诚信缺失的理论思考&基于转型的一种视角现在,全球化已几乎成了世界各国、国际舆论界和学术界最常用的词汇。

    Nowadays , the word " globalization " has been using in all countries and many fields , such as international public fields and international academia .

  22. 因此,全球化条件下国际舆论环境对我国的发展来说是非常重要的,也是营造和平国际环境的重要组成部分。

    Therefore , the environment of international public opinions plays an important role in China 's development and meanwhile is an important part of creating peaceful international environment .

  23. 全球化时代,中国的发展同世界的发展日益紧密地联系起来,国际舆论环境对国家形象构建的影响越来越大。

    The age of globalization , the development of China is more and more close to world and the influence of international public opinion to China is much deeper .

  24. 国际舆论评论说:“中国只用了一代人的时间,取得了其他国家用了几个世纪才能取得的成就”。

    There are comments from world opinion : " It has taken China only on generation to achieve what would have taken other countries several centuries to accomplish " .

  25. 国际舆论高度关注,媒体密集跟踪报道,认为这是一次具有里程碑意义的成功访问。

    The visits drew great attention from the international public opinion and was closely tracked and extensively covered by the media , which described those successful visits as a milestone .

  26. 鉴于国际舆论压力,自俄罗斯八月份入侵格鲁吉亚以来,北约和俄罗斯首次进行高层会谈。

    NATO , Russia Meet for First Time After Georgia Invasion NATO and Russia held their first high-level talks Friday since Moscow invaded Georgia in August , sparking international criticism .

  27. 伴随中国崛起,我国面临众多国际舆论压力。

    With the rise of China , China faces much international pressure of public opinion , so , the public diplomacy has become a new diplomatic means under the new situation .

  28. 本周三,布莱尔最后一次以首相身份开始他的访美之行,他希望通过此行向国际舆论表明,美国失去盟友后,如今不安宁的世界将会变得更加危险。

    Prime Minister Tony Blair began his last trip here as British leader Wednesday , armed with a parting shot to global opinion that US isolation would make a restive world far more dangerous .

  29. 问:中巴是全天候战略合作伙伴,国际舆论常说中巴关系非常特殊,您有何评价?

    Q : China and Pakistan are all-weather partners of strategic cooperation . China-Pakistan relationship is often viewed as a special one by the international media . What is your view on this relationship ?

  30. 此外,在面对汶川地震、南方洪水、日本福岛地震海啸等一些突发性的重大事件时,我国所表现出来的态度和行为,也时常成为国际舆论评判中国的重要依据。

    What ' more , when some accidents happened such as earthquake of Wenchuan , southern flood and the latest earthquake in Japan , national images are often produced according to Chinese attitude and behavior .