
  • 网络international image;international profile
  1. 实施ERP还可以改变国家电力的国际形象,顺应信息社会发展趋势,为将来更好地为社会服务打下良好的基础。

    The implementation of ERP can also improve the international image of China electric power information , conform to the trend of economic development , for better customer service and lay a good foundation .

  2. 正起诉惠普(HP)和东芝(Toshiba)专利侵权的一家中国公司表示,希望这次法律行动能有助于改善中国在知识产权方面的国际形象。

    A Chinese company that is suing Hewlett-Packard and Toshiba over patent issues said that it hoped that the action would help improve the country 's international image with regard to intellectual property rights .

  3. 姚明是NBA里的第一个新的人种,来自社会主义国家的国际形象,在那里,个人的成功收到前所未有的尊重。

    Yao Ming is the first of a ( n ) new breed , an international icon from a communism nation where individual success has never been so richly rewarded .

  4. 新特色打造国际形象全方位提升展会品牌

    New Feature Creates International Image with Omnibearing Promotion of Exhibition Brand

  5. 树立国际形象,促进学术交流;

    Set up the international image and promote academic exchange ;

  6. 知识产权维护方面:中国要改变国际形象。

    In the intellectual property respect , China should change international image .

  7. 韩国目前的使命是提升其国际形象。

    South Korea is on a mission to raise its international profile .

  8. 总统奥巴马同时也不为余力改善美国的国际形象。

    Mister Obama also made efforts to improve America 's international image .

  9. 西方电视话语霸权下中国国际形象的塑造

    Creation of the National Image of China under the Western Television Discourse Hegemony

  10. 总的来说,英语将促进韩国发展,提升韩国人民的国际形象。

    Overall , English will help promote Korea and Korean 's international image .

  11. 相对于其他国家,法国的国际形象更为扭曲。

    Even more than other countries , France has a distorted international image .

  12. 因此,国家应该下大力气塑造自己的国际形象。

    Therefore , China should make efforts to shape its own international image .

  13. 泰益也把最近马来西亚国际形象受损的事件归咎于安华。

    Taiyimarmu also blamed Anwar for the impairment of Malaysia 's international image .

  14. 美国双面巨人的国际形象从不同角度来看,会有不同的结论。

    American double - faced colossus has different conclusion from the different aspect .

  15. 他被处死的消息震惊了所有人,而且损害了巴基斯坦的国际形象。

    His execution shocked everybody and made Pakistan look bad all around the world .

  16. 我国是一个发展中国家,环境工作开展的又比较晚,目前存在着相当严重的环境问题。环境问题对我国的可持续发展战略和我国的国际形象都会带来不利的影响。

    Environmental problem does harm to our sustainable development strategy and our international visualize .

  17. 因为勇于和诚实地面对历史,所以德国的国际形象得到提高;

    Germany has won bouquets for its courage and honesty in facing up to history .

  18. 美国报纸对其他国家的报道也会在很大程度上影响该国的国际形象。

    Reports of American news papers on other countries will greatly affect their international image .

  19. 中国为了提升自身的国际形象很大程度上对媒体更加开放了。

    China become much more open to the media in order to boost its international image .

  20. 日本不遗余力地为自己打造了诚信、可靠的国际形象。

    Japanese have created a integrity and reliable international image in the worldwide by their best .

  21. 提高标示语翻译质量提升常州市国际形象

    Improving the Quality of the Translation of Public Signs to Upgrade Changzhou City 's World Image

  22. 合并还使一些巴西公司得以开拓国外市场,提升它们的国际形象。

    Consolidation has positioned several Brazilian companies to expand into foreign markets , increasing their global profile .

  23. 国际形象所涉及的方面非常广泛,作用形式也多样化。

    The International image involves a wide range of aspects , and has diverse forms to work .

  24. 良好的国际形象有助于国家在国际交往和竞争中占据主动,有效实现国家发展战略。

    Good international image helps to hold initiative in international intercourse and competition and realize national development strategy .

  25. 为了提升威尔士的国际形象,威尔士的中学将教授普通话。

    Mandarin could be taught in Welsh secondary schools in a bid to raise Wales ' international profile .

  26. 安全工作关系到国民经济的发展、社会进步以及国际形象的改善,同时也关系到企业信誉和竞争力,甚至会决定着企业的生存。

    Safety concerns the development of national economy , social advancement and the improvement of international image as well .

  27. 同时,中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,护航索马里海域是维护国家利益,履行大国责任,塑造国际形象的合理举动。

    Escorting in somali is a reasonable act to safeguard national interest , perform power responsibility and shape international image .

  28. 他认为,对于印度等国而言,在减少温室气体排放方面采取有目共睹的行动,可以改善其国际形象。

    A country such as India could improve its international image by being seen to act on reducing greenhouse gas emissions .

  29. 汉语公示语的英文翻译是我国对外宣传的窗口,其英译效果对于提升我国的国际形象具有十分重要的意义。

    The translation is the window of external publicity and it plays a vital role in enhancing international image of China .

  30. 有效的对外传播可以树立一个国家良好的国际形象,创造和谐的国际舆论环境。

    Effective international communication can facilitate the country to set a good international image , and build a harmonious international environment .