
ɡuó jì chǔ bèi huò bì
  • international reserve currency
  1. 中国已呼吁改革全球储备货币体系、创建基于特别提款权(sdr)的新国际储备货币。

    China has called for reform of the global reserve system and creation of a new international reserve currency based on Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs ) .

  2. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)相当于准央行总裁任志刚(JosephYam)表示,他认为人民币正向着可自由兑换转变,有朝一日,可能会成为一种国际储备货币。

    Joseph Yam , the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the quasi-central bank , recently said he saw the renminbi becoming freely convertible and perhaps becoming an international reserve currency one day .

  3. 在美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)首次正式访华之际,一位中国重要金融官员昨日否定了有关“美元的国际储备货币地位可能很快将被取代”的说法。

    A leading Chinese financial official yesterday rejected suggestions the US dollar could be replaced quickly as the global reserve currency , as US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner arrived in China on his first official visit .

  4. 美国的确失去了3A信誉评级,但正如标准普尔的约翰。钱伯斯所说,美元依旧是“任何合理情况下都很重要的国际储备货币”。

    Americamay have lost its triple-A rating , but the dollars it issues will " remain the key international reserve currency under any plausible scenario ," says John Chambers of Standard & Poor 's.

  5. 在G20伦敦峰会前夕,央行行长周小川关于建立国际储备货币取代美元的提议,在国际上引起了巨大的反响,改革当前国际金融体系的呼吁日益高涨。

    On the eve of London G20 summit , Zhou Xiaochuan , Governor of Central Bank , proposed to establish an International Currency to replace the USD , has caused a very great international response and it appeals to reform the current International Financial System .

  6. 第四,推动国际储备货币的多元化。

    Fourth , impels the international reserves currency the multiplication .

  7. 国际储备货币制度:内在缺陷及改革&2008年全球金融危机引发的思考

    The Reform of the International Monetary System : Reviewing the 2008 Financial Crisis

  8. 建议一赋予了欧元主要国际储备货币的角色;

    The former one endows euros with the role of international reserve currency ;

  9. 未来几十年,美元仍将是占主导地位的国际储备货币。

    The dollar will remain by far the dominant international reserve currency for decades .

  10. 论国际储备货币体系能否实现多元化

    On international reserve currency system can be diversification

  11. 第三阶段,即人民币作为国际储备货币,看上去十分遥远。

    Stage three – the renminbi as international reserve currency – looks a long way away .

  12. 他们试图弱化黄金作为国际储备货币的功能。

    They don 't want to see other countries turning to gold reserves instead of the U.

  13. 而布雷顿森林国际储备货币制度同样避免不了推出历史舞台的命运。

    The Bretton Woods system of international reserve currency can not roll over to avoid the same fate .

  14. 加强对国际储备货币发行国的监督,健全国际储备货币发行调控机制。

    Strengthen the international reserve currency country 's supervision , improve the international reserve currency regulation and control mechanisms .

  15. 尽管阴谋论横行,但是关于美元的国际储备货币地位偏益于美国的说法已经不再正确了。

    Conspiracy theory notwithstanding , claims that the reserve status of the dollar unfairly benefits the US are no longer true .

  16. 资本项目开放是指任何一个货币持有者都可以按照市场汇率自由地把该货币兑换成一种主要的国际储备货币。

    Capital account convertibility means each holder can exchange his money to another key international reserve money freely by market rate .

  17. 布雷顿森林体系以黄金为基础,以美元作为最主要的国际储备货币。

    Lay mines pauses silvan system is a foundation with gold , lay in a money as the mainest international with the dollar .

  18. 近期关于央行国际储备货币构成状况的数据证实,各国央行都在主要的传统货币之外,逐渐推进储备币种多元化。

    Recent data on central bank international reserve currency composition affirm that central banks are increasingly diversifying outside the main and traditional currencies .

  19. 今年3月,周小川呼吁结束美元作为主要国际储备货币的地位。

    In March , he called time on the dollar as the main global reserve currency , but in the nicest possible way .

  20. 周小川在今年3月掀起了一场风暴,他当时实际上是在呼吁结束美元作为主要国际储备货币的地位。

    Zhou Xiaochuan caused a storm in March when he in effect called time on the US dollar as the main global reserve currency .

  21. 第六章为国际储备货币多元化对中国经济发展的现实借鉴,本章不仅对全文进行了总结,而且也揭示了本研究的现实意义与最终落脚点。

    This chapter is not only a summary of this paper , but also reveals the practical significance and the ultimate goal of this research .

  22. 在伦敦20国集团峰会即将召开之际,中国银行行长周小川呼吁建立一种新的国际储备货币。

    Earlier this week , days before the G-20 financial summit in London , China 's central bank chief called for a new international reserve currency .

  23. 由于提出了用新国际储备货币取代美元来减轻人民币升值压力的建议,周小川成为中国影响力在全球经济中日益增长的真实写照。

    S.dollar and resisting pressure on China to appreciate its Yuan , Zhou is a living embodiment of China 's growing clout in the global economy .

  24. 当前以主权信用货币作为主要国际储备货币是历史上少有的特例。

    The acceptance of credit-based national currencies as major international reserve currencies , as is the case in the current system , is a rare special case in history .

  25. 普京曾夸口莫斯科将成为一个新的全球金融中心,而卢布将成为一种国际储备货币。如今看来,这真是可悲的笑话。

    Indeed , Mr Putin 's boasts about Moscow as a new global financial centre and the rouble as a coming international reserve currency have become a sad joke .

  26. 理论上讲,国际储备货币的币值首先应有一个稳定的基准和明确的发行规则以保证供给的有序;

    Theoretically , an international reserve currency should first be anchored to a stable benchmark and issued according to a clear set of rules , therefore to ensure orderly supply ;

  27. 创造非主权国际储备货币具有可能性,其前提条件是消除国际货币体系中的“霸权”。

    And the other is that it is possible to create the non-sovereign international re-serve currency , and the precondition is eliminating " hegemony " in the international monetary system .

  28. 上世纪80年代,日本政府宣布了日元国际化的既定政策,许多观察家预计日元将挑战美元作为国际储备货币的地位。

    Back in the 1980s , the Japanese government made it a stated policy to internationalise the yen , and many observers expected the currency to challenge the dollar as a reserve currency .

  29. 国际储备货币制度是指各国政府为了便于国际贸易和国际结算的进行而对国际间各种交易支付所作的一系列制度安排,包括对此所确定的原则、采取的措施和建立的机构。

    International reserve currency system refers to the government in order to facilitate international trade and settlement of international transactions is paid for in a series of institutional arrangements , including the determined by the principles , measures and institutions .

  30. 美元不仅行使国际储备货币的职能,而且在全球范围内有相当多的商品特别是大宗商品的定价和交易都使用美元,资本流动、直接投资、金融市场交易也大量使用美元。

    The dollar does not merely perform as the international reserve currency . Around the globe , the pricing and trade of considerable commodity , bulk commodity in particular , all use dollar , so do capital flow , direct investment and financial market transactions .