- 名national defense production

Indian Defence Production Secretary R.K.Singh said the costing would be worked out in stages .
Rana Tanveer Hussain , Pakistan 's minister of defence production , has confirmed that half of the eight submarines will be built at the Karachi shipyard and engineering works , boosting Pakistan 's shipbuilding capacity .
It was charged with responsibility for getting defense production into high gear .
Economic policy should consist in readjusting and expanding defence production , developing the rural economy and assuring self-sufficiency in wartime commodities .
The state exercises unified leadership and planned control over defense research and production .
The State Council leads and administrates defense research and production , as well as defense expenditure and assets .
The forecast of military products orders is the key to planning the production scale of the future defence industry . Firstly , the main factors which influence the orders shaanxi military products are analysed and among which the qualitative factor is quantified .
The CMC approves the military equipment system of the armed forces and military equipment development plans and programs , leads and administrates defense research and production in coordination with the state council , and manages defense outlays and assets jointly with the state council .
The results break through the adverse situation as all of the FPGA products and design technology were monopolized by several American companies , and satisfying urgent demands of national defending .
Monel is a type of nickel copper base alloy of vital importance , which has been widely used in national defense applications and national product applications due to its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance .
For some time the Taiwan defense budget declined as a percentage of gdp .
Nowadays , computer vision has been widely used in national security , industrial production , transportation and sports , and becomes more and more important .
In recent years , due to its high frequence working band , wide · bandwidth and the steady structure etc , ridged waveguide device is gradually used for military , satellite communications , and other important fields in national defense , national production .
Comparisons of defence spending to gross domestic product do not necessarily indicate a gathering storm of Chinese militarism .
He would ensure US defence spending never falls below 4 per cent of gross domestic product roughly a fifth more than today .
This can be achieved partly by cutting defence spending by 2 percentage points of gross domestic product , meaning ending the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations and cutting wasteful weapons systems .
Satellites in scientific research , national defense and national production and other areas play an important role .
Fluxgate sensor behaves some properties such as simple structure , small size , good shock resistance and higher precision .
Servo system plays an important role in defense construction , industrial production , transport and communication even family life .
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors ( PMSM ) have been used more and more widely for drive applications because of their several inherent advantages .
With the continuous development of pulsed power technology , the application of it in the construction of the national defence and national product become widely .
In2007 , it became the research and production unit for National Defense Weapon Equipment , the second level secrecy qualification unit of Secrecy Qualification Certification Committee .
In the past two decades the percentage of China 's defense expenditure in the gross domestic product ( GDP ) has declined successively ( Table 3 ) .
As a high and top technology , High Power Pulse Technology is applied widely in National Defense Construction and civil manufacture . It has received more and more attentions .
For their unique excellent repellent character , hydrophobic membranes will be widely used in many fields , such as in nation defence , industry , agriculture and daily life .
Photodetectors are one of optoelectronic devices which converting the incident light signal into electrical signal . They have been widely applied in the defence science technology and production living .
The technology of the weak magnetic field measurements often plays an important role in many fields , such as scientific research , national defense , industry , bio-medical sciences , and areas of daily life .
China is one of the countries that influenced by storm surge badly and most frequently in the world . Storm surges cause serious damage and lost to national defence , industry , agriculture and economy of our country .
Pulsed power technology ( PPT ) is widely used in national defense and economy areas . In recent years , increasing the average power is one of the most important directions of PPT developments and more attention has been given to long-pulse technology .
Comparing with traditional industrial robot , the mobile robot with self-perception , decision making , and performance function has vaster application prospect . Mobile robot has huge advantages over human being in the fields of national defense , industrial and agriculture manufacture , and hazard .