
guó gē
  • national anthem
国歌 [guó gē]
  • [national anthem] 法定在正式场合代表国家的歌曲

国歌[guó gē]
  1. 她已接受谱写新国歌的委托。

    She has been commissioned to write a new national anthem .

  2. 在播放国歌的时候,人们喊叫着,吹着口哨。

    During the playing of the national anthem the crowd roared and whistled

  3. 按照他的要求,代表们起立唱国歌。

    At his bidding , the delegates rose and sang the national anthem .

  4. 然后管弦乐队奏起了国歌。

    And then the orchestra struck up the National Anthem

  5. 乐队演奏了捷克国歌。

    The band played the Czech anthem .

  6. 他站在冠军领奖台上,唱起了国歌。

    As he stood on the winner 's rostrum , he sang the words of the national anthem .

  7. 让我们起立,唱国歌。

    Let 's stand up and sing the national anthem .

  8. 奏国歌时全场肃立。

    All those present were standing solemnly when the national anthem was played .

  9. 中国国歌叫《义勇军进行曲》。

    The Chinese national anthem is called " march of the volunteers " .

  10. 音乐会以奏国歌开始。

    The concert began with the national anthem .

  11. 乐队奏我国国歌。

    The band played our national anthem .

  12. 请全体起立,奏和两国国歌

    Rise please , rise for the anthems of & .

  13. 他在nba电视比赛中忘记了国歌。

    How about forgetting the words to the National Anthem in a televised NBA game ?

  14. 我认为将是一首歌点头打算在未来的CC的泰伯利亚的,玩的游戏,结果实际上证明是一个CC的国歌的主打歌曲:红色警报。

    What I thought would be a song intended for NOD , in the next C C Tiberian based game , in fact turned out to be an anthem title track for C C : Red Alert .

  15. 阿伦并不是第一个在NBA总冠军系列赛上演唱美国国歌的“美国偶像”冠军。

    Allen is the latest " Idol " winner to sing the " Star Spangled Banner " at the league 's championship series .

  16. 2000年当上总统后,他恢复使用了约瑟夫斯大林(JosefStalin)采用的苏联国歌。

    After becoming president in 2000 , he restored the Soviet national anthem introduced by Josef Stalin .

  17. 惠特尼在第二十五届超级杯赛上,用一曲《星条旗永不落》(TheStarSpangledBanner)震撼了世界,并为国歌增添了商业价值。

    Houston 's powerful rendition of " The Star Spangled Banner " at Super Bowl XXV got such an overwhelming response that it was released as a commercial single .

  18. 勇士取得2017年总冠军时,特朗普总统由于评论黑人橄榄球运动员在唱国歌中跪下事件,与NBA运动员关系紧张,取消了邀请勇士拜访白宫。

    Following the Warriors 2017 title , the team 's invitation to the White House was rescinded by President Donald Trump in the midst of Trumps comments about black NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem .

  19. 海沃德说:最大的失礼就是你的手机在教堂里响起,哪怕你的手机铃声是英国国歌《天佑女王》。上推特或更新Facebook状态同样也是没有礼貌的行为。

    " The ultimate faux pas would be to have your mobile phone go off in the Abbey , even if you had ` God Save the Queen ` as your ringtone ," Hayward said . Tweeting or updating your Facebook status is also bad manners .

  20. 最好看的大概要数斯洛伐克的队服,他们把国歌横着印在队服上,形成了一道道横条――洋基队应该借用这一手法,把国歌歌词换成工资数额和罗德里奎兹(AlexRodriguez)的律师们的电话号码就行了。

    The best are probably Slovakia 's , which have the national anthem scrolling across in horizontal pinstripes-a gimmick the Yankees should borrow , substituting lyrics for payroll figures and the telephone numbers of Alex Rodriguez 's attorneys .

  21. 在之前的世界杯预选赛中,香港球迷曾对他们正式的国歌《义勇军进行曲》发出嘘声,导致国际足联(Fifa)对香港足球总会做出罚款5000美元的决定。

    During previous World Cup qualifiers , Hong Kong 's fans booed their official national anthem - China 's " March of the Volunteers " - leading to a $ 5000 fine from Fifa , the sport 's governing body .

  22. 这位年轻运动员一下飞机,机场等候的人群就高呼他的名字,手舞横幅,大声喊道:“majulah”。这个词在马来语里是“向前冲”的意思,取自新加坡国歌歌名的一部分。

    When the young athlete arrived , the crowd chanted his name , held banners aloft and called out " majulah , " Malay for " onward , " and part of the title of Singapore 's national anthem .

  23. 他们在国歌声中升旗。

    They raise the national flag and the national hymn starts .

  24. 一阵擂鼓声标志着国歌的开始。

    A drum roll signalled the beginning of the national anthem .

  25. 在1991年的美国橄榄球超级杯赛上演唱国歌

    3 . Singing the national anthem at the 1991 Super Bowl

  26. 很荣幸他将唱我们的国歌。

    And we are honored to have singing our national anthem .

  27. 各位先生女士,唱国歌请起立。

    Ladies and gentlemen , please rise for our national anthem .

  28. 奏国歌时起立是我们的习俗。

    It is our custom to stand for the national anthem .

  29. 国歌是国家精神和民族精神的象征。

    The national anthem is the symbol of the national spirit .

  30. 在庄严的国歌声中,开学典礼正式拉开了帷幕。

    The opening ceremony started with the national anthem of China .