
Technical Factors in Selling Servitude of State Owned Land
The Research on the Use Right Transfer of the National Urban State-owned Land System
Studies about the Development Trend of the Selling Ways of Right to Use State-owned Land
Research On The Legal Character & Legal Application Of Contract For Conveyance Of Right To Use State-Owned Land
The Legal Nature of Contract for Assignment of the Right to the Use of State-Owned Land in China
And then believes the feature of grant contract on the right to state-owned land is a civil contract .
It means enormously to improve the legal systems of the right of the transfer of the use to the state & owned land .
It 's an important measure to strengthen the land management that the right of using the state-owned land implements the lowest price system .
The paper raises an idea that the real right system of collective land of China ought to be established around the right of land use .
Implementation of the land and resources online trading can limit the transfer of state-owned land use right behavior , reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of government functional departments and service .
Finally , the Thesis attempts to offer some useful suggestions on how to specify the civil contract nature of the contract for granting of the State-owned land in our legislative and judicial practice .
But the law system of using right of state-owned land is still in its constructive period , there are inevitably many problems when the law is enact , and it needs further studies and discussion .
And a considerable proportion of these issues have been originated in the market for the granting of the land-use right , and have been mainly in the form of disputes over the contract for granting of the State-owned land .
Transfer system of state-owned land is a kind of state-owned land utilization system which strengthening land management , strengthening national macro-regulation of urban land , optimizing land allocation , and giving full play to economic , social and environmental benefits of state-owned land .
Under the context of national owned land ownership and marketable land-use right in China , it is more complicated to measure the insurance value of real property .
Compensated use of State-owned land mentioned in the present Measures includes the assignment of the right to use State-owned land and lease of State-owned land .
How to scientifically estimate the basic price is very important in nominal quotation of land use right .
Corresponding to this practice , the rights to use state-run land can be classified depending on the ways of rights acquisition .