
  • 网络National License;national licence
  1. 含丁咯地尔药物在欧盟的销售许可最早是70年代通过国家许可程序进行的。

    Buflomedil-containing medicines have been authorised in the EU since the1970s via national procedures .

  2. 经过多年的幕后准备工作,该公司上周获得了国家许可,将允许其开始批量生产枸橼酸西地那非,即万艾可的活性成分。

    After years of behind-the-scenes preparation , the company last week received the state production license that will allow it to start churning out sildenafil citrate , the active ingredient in Viagra .

  3. 第七条广告客户申请刊播、设置、张贴的广告,其内容就当在广告客户的经营范围或者国家许可的范围内。

    Article 7 . The content of an advertisement to the published , broadcast , installed or posted shall be kept within the advertiser 's business scope or the scope permitted by the State .

  4. 指出了矿业用地是实施国家许可的矿业活动范围内的地表用地,具有唯一性、复杂性、阶段性、可恢复性等特征。

    Pointed out that the implementation of mining land is within the scope of mining activities permitted by the state surface , and is unique . complex , phased . recoverability and other features .

  5. 能源部必须批准所有lng(液化天然气)出口,而大部分国家的许可则很难获得。

    The Department of energy must approve all LNG exports , and licences for most countries are hard to obtain .

  6. 产品均获得国家生产许可证、质量合格证、产品备案证等。

    Products have received production permit , quality certification , product registration card .

  7. 因此,企业应当在国家政策许可的前提下,在当地有针对性地研发适合当地种植的品种。

    Therefore , with policy permit , enterprises should research and develop varieties suitable to local environment .

  8. 当他在1977年返回权利中央时,邓着手一项庞大的紧迫工作以掌握国家的许可检查和重新开始大学招生。

    When he returned to power in1977 , Deng embarked on a colossal rush to hold national entrance examinations and reopen universities .

  9. 他有访问这个国家的特殊许可。

    He had a special permit to visit the country .

  10. 除了英国以外,您还打算在其他国家发放生产许可证吗?

    Do you intend to grant manufacturing licences in countries other than the UK ?

  11. 泰国等国家的进口许可证。

    Thailand and other countries import license .

  12. 综述了硫化氢、二氧化硫、二硫化碳和硫醇等硫化物的臭味特征、危害性、中毒症状、国家环保部门许可的排放标准及其防治办法。

    , and also reviewed the characteristics , hazards , poisoning symptom and emission standard for odor pollutants .

  13. 目前,有11个非洲国家颁发猎狮许可,其中包括津巴布韦、南非、纳米比亚和坦桑尼亚。

    Currently , 11 African countries issue lion-hunting permits , including Zimbabwe , South Africa , Namibia and Tanzania .

  14. 负责实施国家实行进口许可制度的民用商品的入境验证;负责出口、转口商品的有关出境验证。

    To carry out the entry verification for the civil commodities subject to import license system , and the exit verification for export and transit commodities .

  15. 研究人员们还需要考虑法律上的限制,因为这种技术涉及到创造人工胚胎,而人工胚胎只在一些国家得到了许可。

    The researchers also must take into account legal constraints since the technique involves the creation of artificial embryos which right now is only allowed in some countries .

  16. 用水许可制度的实践部分,介绍了用水许可制度的发展过程和一些典型国家的用水许可制度,包括美国、日本、澳大利亚和新西兰。

    Finally the article introduces the development of water permit system and the general situation of other countries , such as America , Japan , Australia and New Zealand .

  17. 而葛兰素史克的疫苗已于2005年在墨西哥推出,并已经在24个国家获得了许可证,这其中包括菲律宾、新加坡和12个拉美国家。

    GlaxoSmithKline 's vaccine was launched in Mexico in2005 , and has since been granted licences in24 more countries , including the Philippines , Singapore and12 Latin American nations .

  18. 西方国家观察员没有获得许可监督这些选举。

    Western observers are not being allowed to monitor these elections .

  19. 在此背景下,许多国家开始实行用水许可证转让。

    Many countries had taken the measure of transferring water permits under this background .

  20. 不少国家都对行政许可制度从法律上作出了较为完善的规范,但我国在这方面的法律制度相对薄弱,出现的问题也较多。

    Many countries have legally qualified the administrative License institution while in our country it is not sell developed .

  21. 欧盟的情况比美国复杂,它既有各个国家对外国人就业许可的国家治理,也有欧盟对外国人就业许可的超国家治理。

    More complex than the USA , EU has the employment license state administration , also has employment license supranational governance .

  22. 第八条凡实施工业产品生产许可证管理的游艺机产品,必须符合国家工业产品生产许可证管理的有关规定。

    Article where the implementation of industrial production permit of amusement products must meet the national industrial production permit the relevant provisions .

  23. 通过对美国、英国、加拿大等国家商业秘密强制许可制度的比较研究,得出了可以对技术秘密实施强制许可的三种情形。

    By comparative studying of the compulsory licensing of trade secrets in The United States , Britain , Canada and other countries .

  24. 被许可方接受培训人员在许可方国家期间应遵守许可方国家的法律和许可方工厂的规章制度。

    Licensee 's personnel shall abide by the laws of Licensor 's country and the regulations of Licensor 's factory during their stay in Licensor 's country .

  25. 这些国家往往依赖采矿许可费或商品关税,只有薄弱的收入税或公司税基础,燃油补贴可占到公共开支的相当大部分。

    Often dependent on mineral royalties or duties on goods , with only a weak income or corporate tax base , subsidies on fuel can amount to a large slice of public spending .

  26. 药品资格预审规划不是要取代国家监管部门或国家许可证制度对药物进口的监管职能。

    It does not seek to replace national regulatory authorities or national authorization systems for importation of medicines .

  27. 但是相较与其他国家,我国的用水许可制度存在许多有待完善的地方。对其他国家用水许可制度的比较研究,可以使我们借鉴其他国家的经验,弥补我国用水许可制度的不足。

    But compared with other countries , the system in China has many defects . The comparative study of other countries can help us to improve the system in China .