
  1. 10月23日,国家版权局发布了网络信息存储服务新规。

    On Oct 23 , the National Copyright Administration issued a new regulation on online information storage services .

  2. (iv)国家版权局关于地方版权管理工作若干问题的意见(1988年5月)

    ( iv ) Opinions of National Copyright Administration on Matters Relating to Local Work on Copyright Management ( May 1988 )

  3. 然而,不到1年之后,国家版权局(NationalCopyrightAdministration)却表现出了宽容的姿态,似乎愿意容忍那些曾被指扰乱市场秩序的互联网权限管理企业。

    Nearly a year later , however , the National Copyright Administration seems to be willing to tolerate the internet rights management companies it had accused of causing market chaos .

  4. (vi)国家版权局关于版权纠纷处理工作的若干意见(1988年12月27日)

    ( vi ) Opinions on Certain Matters of the National Copyright Administration concerning Handling Copyright Cases ( 27 December 1988 )

  5. 本系统已获国家版权局计算机软件著作权(2008SR18123)。

    The system had obtained the copyright in computer software ( 2008SR18123 ) registered by the State Copyright Administration .

  6. 国家版权局负责国际著作权条约在中国的实施。

    The State Copyright Administration shall be responsible for the implementation of international copyright treaties in China .

  7. 中国国家版权局版权司副司长许超说,中国还需要更多的时间:

    Shu Chao , deputy director general of the National Copyright Administration , says China needs more time .

  8. 国家版权局要求这些平台为尊重发布者著作权,更好地对其内容担任起责任。

    The administration required those platforms to better shoulder their responsibility to release content that respects the Copyright Law .

  9. 根据著作权法的规定,设立了国家版权局和地方著作权行政管理机关。

    The State Copyright Administration and local copyright administrative organs have been established in accordance with the copyright law .

  10. 国家版权局负责提供各类著作权许可使用合同的标准样式。

    The provision of standard forms of various copyright licencing contracts shall be the responsibility of the national copyright administration .

  11. 在数量巨大的电子文件中,有不少是属于享有版权的作品,应受到国家版权法规的保护。

    Many of the electronic files enjoy copyright and should be protected by copyright laws and regulations of our country .

  12. 知识产权局名录列出了各成员国国家版权局和工业产权局的详细联系方式。

    Directory of intellectual property offices lists contact details for national copyright and industrial property offices in all member states .

  13. 国家版权行政管理部门或文化行政部门可以作为代表民间文学艺术来源群体行使和管理特殊版权的代理机构。

    The national copyright and culture administration departments may become the agent institutions on behalf of folklore original groups to exercise and manage the special copyright .

  14. 版权转让,作为版权主体实现版权财产权利的一种重要渠道,是国际版权贸易领域的一项重要内容,也是当今世界许多国家版权法的一个重要制度。

    Copyright assignment is an important part in the realm of international copyright trade , and is also an important system in many countries ' national copyright law .

  15. 近日,国家版权局召见了十五家主要在线视频流媒体及相关媒体公司,要求其加强监管,提高版权保护意识。

    The National Copyright Administration summoned 15 major online video streaming and related media companies , and required them to strengthen regulations and enhance their awareness on copyright protection .

  16. 对于向网民提供未获授权的电影电视剧的网站,国家版权局将在其网站上点名批评,对违反版权行为予以警告。

    The NCA will name and shame those websites that provide visitors with unauthorized films and TV series on the administration 's website as a warning to copyright violators .

  17. 此外,国家版权局还要求这些平台建立拦截系统,以阻止非法上传未经授权的内容,收到多次投诉的平台应被列入黑名单。

    The administration also required the platforms to build a prevention system to stop illegal uploads of unauthorized content . Those platforms that have received multiple complaints should be blacklisted .

  18. 在这个案例中,国家版权局决定将收取互联网音乐版权费的工作交给私营企业,似乎是源于其对技术复杂性日益加深的认识。

    In the copyright administration 's case , the decision to leave internet music fee collection to private companies appears to stem from a growing awareness of the technical complexities .

  19. 国家版权局表示,在战役结束时他们将从三个月处理的网上盗版案件中选出前十例。

    Upon the conclusion of the campaign , the top ten online piracy cases will be chosen from the cases they handle during the three-month campaign , according to the NCA .

  20. 国家版权局称,这些部门还会对专门从事引进电影、音乐、软件、书籍有关的商业机构建立长期的监督机制。

    The ministries will also try to establish a long-term supervision mechanism for professional portals engaging in business related to film , music , software and books , the NCA said .

  21. 我国国家版权局起草的《民间文学艺术作品著作权保护条例(修改稿)》似乎也是选择用著作权法来保护民间文学艺术。

    Drafted by the National Copyright Administration of China ," Copyright Protection of Folk Literature and Artistic Works Ordinance ( Revised )" seems to choose the copyright law to protect folklore .

  22. 根据它们的观点,国家版权立法需要规定强制许可合同方案,所有信息和版权许可应服从国家对版权的限制和例外。

    In their opinion , national copyright legislation needed to provide for compulsory licensing schemes and for all information and copying licenses to be subject to national limitations and exceptions to copyright .

  23. 他们是商务部知识产权领导小组办公室的柴副主任,中国国家版权局的于司长,以及商务部条约法律司的杨副司长。

    We have Deputy Director General Chai of the Office of IPR Leading Group , Ministry of Commerce ; Director General Yu of the National Copyright Administration of China ; and Deputy Director General Yang of the Office of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Commerce .

  24. 还是有很多国家尊重版权,并给技工提供高薪以建立制造业基础。

    There are lot of countries that respect copyrights and offer skilled labour to set up manufacturing base .

  25. 大多数国家的版权期以作者寿命为基本依据。

    The duration out the copyright term throughout most of the world is based on the life of the author .

  26. 此前,全省首个国家级版权交易中心&青岛国际版权交易中心项目也正式在开发区落户。

    Previously , the province 's first national copyright trading center-Qingdao International Copyright Trade Center project has officially settled in the zone .

  27. 成功引进了美国、德国、日本、澳大利亚、英国、法国等国家的版权。

    Our publishing house introduces successfully national copyright of the US , Germany , Japan , Australia , England , France and so on .

  28. 根据欧洲法律,谷歌不得将仍受版权保护的作品数字化。在大多数欧洲国家,版权保护直至作者死后70年才会失效。

    European law makes it impossible for Google to digitise works still covered by copyright , which in most of Europe stays in force for 70 years after the author 's death .

  29. 这些让步旨在回应欧洲出版商的申诉它们表示,在美国的那宗和解案中,自己未能获得足够多的发言权但丝毫未能解决来自德国等国的指控,即和解协议违反了其它国家的版权法。

    The concessions designed to counter complaints from European publishers that they have not had enough say in the US settlement do nothing to resolve accusations by Germany and others that the settlement violates copyright law in other countries .

  30. 目前,英国、西班牙、德国等欧洲国家的版权法有一项全景自由条款,即公众有权将现代建筑物及公共艺术设施的照片公开。

    The UK and other European countries including Spain and Germany , is currently protected by a ' freedom of panorama ' provision in copyright law which means people can publish photographs of modern buildings or public art installations without infringing copyright .