
ɡuó jiā bǎo mì jú
  • National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets;State Secrets Bureau
  1. 国家保密局把测绘保密列为专项工作,注重宣传引导,在保密专刊开辟了专栏。

    State Secrets Bureau of Surveying and Mapping confidentiality as a special work to pay attention to propaganda and guidance , special issue of confidentiality has opened special columns .

  2. 该公司昨日拒绝就国家保密局的言论做出置评。

    The company yesterday declined to comment on the watchdog 's remarks .

  3. 数据库都经过加密处理,符合国家保密局的各项规定。

    Databases are all encrypted and conform to the state provisions of secrecy bureau .

  4. 国家保密局的评论辩称,有关国家秘密的立法亟待改革,因为这些法律未能发挥应有的作用。

    The commentary by the watchdog argues that the legislation on state secrets needs to be overhauled because it fails to serve its purpose .

  5. 国家保密局辩称,相关法律需要得到明确、准确的界定,政府和企业之间应该明确分配保守秘密的责任。

    The watchdog argues that the law needs to be defined clearly and narrowly and that responsibility for guarding secrets should be assigned clearly in government and the corporate sector .

  6. 国家保密局的官方刊物表示,以往的经济改革使国有企业和行业协会对间谍活动缺乏防范能力,要求政府采取行动。

    The official magazine of the National Administration for the protection of state secrets said past economic reforms had left state companies and industry associations vulnerable to spying and demanded action from the state .

  7. 中国国家保密局副局长杜永胜周一警告记者称,如果他们违反中国法律,他们也将不得不“承担法律后果”。

    Du Yongsheng , deputy director of the National Administration for the protection of state secrets , warned journalists on Monday that they would also have to " shoulder legal consequences " if they violated these laws .

  8. 由于成千上万的用户试图阅读相关文章,中国国家保密局的网站昨日瘫痪。上述文章指控力拓从事大规模商业间谍活动,并要求对中国处理国家秘密的方式进行全面改革。

    The website of China 's state secrets watchdog crashed yesterday as thousands of users tried to access reports in which it accused Rio of large-scale commercial espionage and demanded a comprehensive overhaul of the way China deals with state secrets .

  9. 国家保密局还呼吁对外资公司的注册、审查、监管及其在华代表设立新监管框架,就像西方对中国公司所作的那样。

    The watchdog also called for the creation of a new regulatory framework for the registration , auditing and supervision of foreign companies and their representatives in China " just as the West does it with regard to Chinese companies " .

  10. 本研究成果在得到国家保密局批准后,将可在我国的党政机关、企事业单位、团体组织的涉密计算机信息系统建设中全面推广。

    With a further verification and recognition from the State Secrecy Bureau and relevant research institutions , this is a possibility for a wider application of the research result in the construction of secret computer information systems in government departments , enterprises and organizations all over the country .

  11. 本文对涉密信息系统的建设进行了初步探讨,介绍了2005年国家保密局颁布的《涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统集成资质管理办法》相关内容。

    This paper explains the concept of some confidential information system , discusses preliminarily the construction of confidential information system , and introduces the related contents in the " Administrative Measures on Qualification of Integrating Computer Information System Involving State Secrets " promulgated by the State Secrecy Bureau in 2005 .