
  • 网络Group standard
  1. 1月18日,PM2.5防护口罩团体标准已经正式发布。该标准旨在规范过滤器的有效性。

    The Group Standard on Protective Masks against PM 2.5 was released on Jan 18 , with the goal to regulate filter efficiency .

  2. 可是这关系到团体标准问题。

    It 's a community standards issue .

  3. 还有其它团体和标准,也解决了“语义Web服务”这一专题。

    There are other groups and standards , which also address the topic of " Semantic Web Services " .

  4. 美国专业团体ASTM标准制修订模式的研究

    The study of mode in one of the American professional Bodies - ASTM standards development

  5. 您所需要的自定义标记功能中也许有多达百分之八十已经由J2EE团体创建并标准化了。

    Perhaps as much as80 percent of the custom tag functionality that you will need has already been created and standardized by the J2EE community .

  6. 国际标准化团体制定的标准是建立在协商一致基础之上的。

    Standards prepared by the international standardization community are based on consensus .

  7. 主要分析了双重标准、内外有别的原则和成为股东真意与团体合意的标准及信托制度的完善在隐名出资人股东资格认定中的作用。

    This part mainly analyses the principle of double standard , differentiated in and outside , the standard of the intendment of being a shareholder and group consensus , and the effect of perfect trust system in the identification of the dormant contributors ' shareholder qualification .

  8. 一方面,Acme可以将COE组建为一个学术团体,以检查标准和最佳实践的强制情况&从有限的强制到更大权力的强制。

    On one side of the spectrum , Acme can form a COE as an academic group to review standards and best practices with anywhere from limited to greater powers of enforcement .

  9. 控制词汇是特定方面的组织和团体人遵守的标准化术语列表。

    Controlled vocabulary is a list of standardized terms conformed by groups and communities for specific purposes .

  10. 协作学习模式是一种以全员互动协作为基本动力,以目标设计为先导,以小组活动为基本教学形式,以团体成绩为评价标准的一种体现建构主义教学理念的教学模式。

    Cooperative study mode that its basic motility is everybody 's cooperation , that its leader is design of aim , that its basic form is team activity , that its evaluating standard is team achievement is a mode of constructivism theory .

  11. 为了加入规范团体,获得成员资格,国家需要进行国内制度改革以达到规范团体的准入标准。

    In order to join norm groups and gain the membership , states have to make domestic institution reform , with the purpose of meeting the access requirements of norm groups .

  12. 该团体是由IBM和行业合作伙伴联合建立的,作为一个开放的论坛,SOA技术在被引入正式的标准团体作为官方标准之前将在该论坛中得到开发和优化。

    This body was jointly formed by IBM and industry partners as an open forum where SOA technologies are developed and refined before being taken to a formal standards body for official standardization .