
  1. 总之,全能的安拉会以你的举意回赐你;

    Anyway , Allah the Almighty will reward you for your intentions ;

  2. 它是忍耐的月份,忍耐的回赐是天堂。

    It is the month of patience , and the reward of patience is Paradise .

  3. 请记住,为正当理由没有封斋也是对全能的真主的服从并且带有回赐!

    Keep in mind that not fasting for legitimate reasons is also obedience to Allah the Almighty and entails a reward !

  4. 而宋朝回赐更是优遇有加,又有不同形式的加赐、特赐,双方不断把朝贡贸易推向高潮。

    And Song returned more , and had different forms of grant specially . Both countrys unceasingly pushed tributary trade to climax .

  5. 我将为此报酬他,每个善功都将获得十倍的回赐。

    I will give the reward for it , and for every good deed , he will receive ten similar to it .

  6. 是要整日昏睡,夜晚举行狂欢?忘记斋月里那回赐大无边?

    Is it sleeping all day and the night 's a blast ? And forgetting the reward of the month is vast ?

  7. 离清真寺最远而走路来清真寺礼拜的人获得的回赐最大。

    The person who receives the greatest reward for the Salah is one who lives the farthest and has the farthest to walk .

  8. 斋月结束时,穆斯林期望因他们对造物主,全能的安拉的虔诚与祈祷而获得丰厚的回赐。

    By the end of Ramadan , Muslims anticipate a great reward for their devotion and dedication to their Creator , Almighty Allah .

  9. 文章主要在分析表格的基础上来看北方民族朝贡沙陀的次数、贡品、回赐、贡使等内容。

    The paper is mainly the basis of tributary forms to analysis the number of tribute , tribute , returns and tributary envoies and so on .

  10. 穆圣(祈主福安之)曾告诉圣门弟子,他们甚至会因与妻子同房而获得安拉的回赐。

    The Prophet ( peace and blessings be upon him ) once told his Companions that they would even be rewarded for having sexual intercourse with their wives .

  11. 同样,当我们以诚实与信念,为了安拉的回赐完成日常活动时,它们就变成了重要的功修活动。

    Likewise , when we do our daily activities with sincerity and faith , in the hopes of Allah 's reward , they become important acts of worship .