
sì kù quán shū
  • The Si Ku Quan Shu;Si Ku Quan Shu(Complete library in the Four Branches of Literature);Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature
四库全书 [sì kù quán shū]
  • [Si Ku Quan Shu(Complete library in the Four Branches of Literature)] 中国清代编修的大型综合丛书。乾隆38年(1773)开馆编修,乾隆46年(1782)完成。共收书3503种,计79337卷。分经、史、子、集四部,44类。收录了中国历史上最有价值的文化典籍。全书共缮写7部,分藏于北京、承德、沈阳、镇江、扬州、杭州等地。其中文津阁本现存北京图书馆,是七部中保存最完整的一部

四库全书[sì kù quán shū]
  1. 其中以嘉靖陆氏家刻本最为全面,而《四库全书》本以易见而较为流行。

    Among these , the home one is most comprehensive , and The Si Ku Quan Shu edition is popular for its easy to obtain .

  2. 《四书大全》虽然是因为其负面影响而被收入《四库全书》,但是在历史上它的价值并非仅具有弋获功名之用,同时它也被当作宋元《四书》文献的集成著作来使用。

    Although the Si Shu Da Quan is included in the Si Ku Quan Shu because of its negative influence , its value is not only obtaining the opportunity to take part in the official career .

  3. 《四库全书总目》史部研究

    The Research of History Department of Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu

  4. 第三章阐述了乾隆皇帝对《四库全书》纂修全过程的直接过问;

    The third chapter expounds he directly concerns with the whole process of compilation ;

  5. 《四库全书》尝试着对所有已发表的作品进行总结。

    a compendium that tried to subsummize all existent writings that had ever been published .

  6. 《文溯阁四库全书提要》别集类辨证慢性阻塞性肺疾病中医辨证治疗概要

    The Treatment Summary with Chinese Medical Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  7. 《四库全书总目·小学类·尔雅》三题特盏问题的雅可比法

    Three Issues of Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu and Er Ya ; jacobian method of eigenvalue problem

  8. 第四章分析了乾隆皇帝对《四库全书》编纂思想的影响;

    The fourth chapter analyzes the influence that Emperor Qianlong 's thought has affected on Si Ku Quart Shu ;

  9. 甘肃省图书馆藏有乾隆四十七年抄成的文溯阁《四库全书》正本一部。

    Gansu Provincial Library possesses an original edition of Sikuquanshu which was named Wensuge in the forty-seventh year of Qianlong .

  10. 本文首先介绍了中国古代图书整理的传统与四库全书馆开设的过程;

    This paper firstly introduces the tradition of collecting books in ancient China and the process of opening the institute .

  11. 从《四库全书总目》看清初《诗经》研究之状况&兼谈《总目》治《诗》思想对清中后期《诗经》研究的影响

    Researches on The Book of Songs in the Early Qing Dynasty Viewed from The General Catalogue for the Complete Collection in Four Treasuries

  12. 作者以《道藏》本及《四库全书》本中的《灵棋经》为基本文献,考察“灵棋课法”的由来与归属。

    Taking advantage of Ling Qi Jing in Dao Zang and Si Ku Quan Shu , the author studied the origin and its ideology .

  13. 1999年春,《文渊阁四库全书》电子版问世。

    In Spring 1999 , an electronic version of Si Ku Quan Shu ( Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature ) was published .

  14. 二是阐明西北文献与《四库全书》的关系,特别是西北作者的情况,包括书籍的价值、存世的情况。

    The second goal is to expound northwest region with this book relations , specially northwest author 's situation , including the books ' value .

  15. 此书在论及《四库全书总目提要》子部释家类佛籍时,在深入考辨史料的基础上,纠正其谬误达三十五处,为我们的学习和研究提供了宝贵的资料。

    This book has corrected thirty-five errors when concerning Four Books Comprehensive Table of Contents Abstract and it is valuable for our learning and study .

  16. 该书集中地体现了他的文献学思想。正确评价《四库全书总目》,有助于研究纪昀的文献学理论与实践活动。

    A correct evaluation of General Catalogue will be helpful in the study of Ji Yun 's practice and theory in the study of documentation .

  17. 当前更应加强对《四库全书》的研究,使其在中华民族复兴的历史进程中发挥更大的作用。

    At present , we should strengthen the studies , making it play a bigger role in history process of the Chinese revival of nationhood .

  18. 四库全书所收的明人文集中至少有2100篇以女性为传主的碑传文。

    There are at least 2100 pieces of epitaphs and biographies about women in essay collections by the Ming authors including in Imperial Collection of Four .

  19. 乾隆敕修《四库全书》,在客观上对保存福建的地方文献起到积极的作用,同时又是对福建文化一个史无前例的巨大破坏。

    This campaign had a positive effect on preserving Fujian local literature , while at the same time brought tremendous and unprecedented damage to Fujian culture .

  20. 传世南唐史著《四库全书》全部在收,为今日南唐史研究不可或缺的依据。

    All the survivals of historical workswere embodied in complete collections of china , which arc the essential basis for present researches on Southern Tang dynasty .

  21. 版本来自《续修四库全书》,据上海图书馆馆藏清光绪十八年廖廷相刻本的影印本。

    The version come from Continuation of Si Ku Quan Shu , according to the copy of the Shanghai Library eighteen years of the Qing dynasty edition .

  22. 从外科专业研究的需要出发,对《四库全书》医家类的外科医籍作了探析,辑出外科专著10种及散见于其他医籍中的外科学方论共200余卷。

    In the study of Si Ku Quan Shu , the authors found out 10 surgical monographs and more than 200 articles dotted in various medical literature .

  23. 作者根据第一手材料,系统地论述了《续修四库全书总目提要》的缘起、编纂机构、人员结构、经费来源和编纂过程。

    This article systematically discusses the origin of the book , the compiling organization , the staff structure , the source of funds and the compiling process , etc.

  24. 在修纂过程中,约共毁禁书籍3000种,几乎与《四库全书》的数量接近;

    During the course of compilation , nearly 3,000 tiles of books were destroyed , with the number almost equaling that of books taken in by the collection .

  25. 我们发现,易学研究的主题及方式确实难以超迈前人铺设的易学进路&那就是《四库全书总目提要》关于易学宗派的历史勾勒。

    We can find that the themes and methods for I Ching learning studies were indeed difficult to go beyond the approaches to I Ching learning the predecessors preset .

  26. 《永乐大典》与《四库全书》编纂的比较中国古典四大名著中诗词作用的异同

    Comparison between the Compilation of " Yong Le Da Dian " and " Si Ku Quan Shu "; Functional Similarities and Differences of Poems and Verses Among the Four Chinese Famous Works

  27. 地处西南地区的巴渝大地,虽不及江浙、安徽一带学人众多,但在《四库全书》编纂过程中同样作出了一定的贡献。

    Bayu is located in the southwest and still made certain contribution to the compilation process of SiKuQuanShu though the number of scholars of Bayu are fewer than Jiangsu , Zhejiang and Anhui .

  28. 如今,《续修四库全书》提要的撰写还在进行之中,它的完成将使该书具有更加完备的学术价值,有益于后世的研究。

    At present , the summary of the book is being written , and the completion of the summary will add the book 's academic value and benefit the learners of later generations .

  29. 《四库全书》的整个纂修过程,自始至终都是在乾隆皇帝的直接控制下进行的,乾隆皇帝的谕令作为最高指示监控着《四库全书》纂修的任何一个步骤。

    The whole compilation process , from beginning to end , was under Emperor Qianlong 's directly control . And his imperial instructions was the highest direction which supervised and controlled every step of the process .

  30. 他掌握着《四库全书》纂修工作的最终决策大权,各项工作最后都必须由他亲自来定夺,可以说没有乾隆皇帝就没有《四库全书》。

    He mastered the final decision authority of the compilation , and all work must be decided by Emperor Qianlong himself . So we can say that without Emperor Qianlong there would be no Si Ku Quan Shu .