
  • 网络enveloped virus;togavirus
  1. 病毒囊膜与宿主细胞膜的融合是囊膜病毒入侵宿主细胞的关键步骤。

    Membrane fusion between the virus envelope and host cells is the key step of the enveloped virus to enter into the host cells .

  2. 腮腺炎病毒(MuV)同其他囊膜病毒相似,在融合蛋白(F)中具有两个七肽重复序列结构域(HR)。

    Like other enveloped viruses , Mumps virus ( MuV ) fusion protein ( F ) may possess two heptad repeat domains ( HR ) .

  3. 但目前并不清楚MuV是否有类似于其他囊膜病毒的侵染机制。

    However , it is unknown whether the MuV has a membrane fusion mechanism similar to that of the other enveloped viruses in the course of host infection .

  4. 囊膜病毒膜融合的分子机制

    The Molecular Mechanism of Enveloped Virus-cell Membrane Fusion

  5. 这是一株无囊膜的RNA病毒。

    This is a new RNA virus without envelope .

  6. ND的病原为新城疫病毒(NDV),属副黏病毒科腮腺炎病毒属的成员,是一种具有囊膜的RNA病毒,严重地危害着养鸡业的发展。

    The pathogen of ND is Newcastle disease , a member of the paramyxovirus Division mumps virus , and is an enveloped RNA virus , seriously harm the development of the chicken industry .

  7. E2囊膜糖蛋白为病毒最主要的保护性抗原,可以诱导机体产生保护性抗体。

    E2 glycoprotein of CSFV , which is the protecting antigen and induces the neutralizing antibody during the infection of CSFV , is 1119 base pairs in length and encodes 373 amino acid residues .

  8. 猪圆环病毒属圆环病毒科,是一种小型、无囊膜,单链DNA病毒。

    Porcine circovirus ( PCV ), a member of the Circoviridae family , is a small , non-enveloped , spherical single-stranded DNA virus .

  9. 鸭肠炎病毒属于α-疱疹病毒科,gB和gC是其两种重要的囊膜糖蛋白,在病毒感染宿主细胞过程中的受体识别和吸附过程中起重要作用。

    DEV belongs to alpha herpesvirus families . Glycoprotein B and C plays an important role in receptor recognition and adsorption to host cells during DEV infection .

  10. 科Megapodagriidae:藏(?)猪轮状病毒(PRV)属于呼肠孤病毒科轮状病毒属,为无囊膜、双股RNA病毒。

    Porcine Rotavirus ( PRV ) is a member of Rotavirus of Reoviridae family , a kind of no capsule membrane , double helix RNA virus .

  11. 囊膜蛋白为疱疹病毒的主要保护性抗原,它在介导病毒进入细胞,以及病毒的成熟与释放中均起重要的作用。

    Envelope protein is the major protective antigen of herpesvirus .

  12. 假型病毒与提供囊膜蛋白的真病毒一样,对宿主细胞有同样的侵染性。

    Pseudotyped virus has true virus envelope protein , so it has the same infection to host cells .

  13. 此病毒的形态发生起始于细胞核,并可分为4个阶段:病毒基质的形成、囊膜的形成、病毒的装配和完整的病毒粒子的形成。

    Beginning in the nuclei the viral morphogenesis process was composed of four stages : formation of viral stroma , formation of membrane , assembly of the virus and formation of complete virons .