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  1. 加和函数及其在Ni基喷涂材料硬度研究中的应用

    Study on Ni-based Spraying and Coating Material Hardness Via Additive Function

  2. 表面等离子喷涂材料研究的现状及发展

    The Development and Status in Investigation on Surface Plasma Spraying Coating Material

  3. 用神经网络探讨Ni基喷涂材料中元素对涂层硬度的影响规律

    Investigation Regularities of Ni-based Spraying and Coating Materials ' Elements ' Influence on Hardness Via neural Networks

  4. 因此本论文采用金属陶瓷颗粒作为穿孔顶头的喷涂材料,对喷涂后的顶头进行温度场及应力场的数值模拟。应用ANSYS有限元分析软件对穿孔顶头等离子喷涂及冷却过程进行数值模拟。

    This paper adopt the metal-ceramic as spraying materials of piercing plug to get the temperature and thermal stress filed during spraying process . Finite element analysis software ANSYS is applied to simulate the process of spraying and cooling process of piercing plug .

  5. 以一种多元素铁基非晶合金粉末(含C,Si,B,Cr,W,Mo,Ni,Fe等)作为喷涂材料,用大气等离子喷涂在316L不锈钢基体上制备涂层。

    The coating was prepared on 316L stainless steel by air plasma spraying with a kind of iron base amorphous alloy powder which contains C , Si , B , Cr , W , Mo , Ni , Fe etc. as the plasma spraying powder .

  6. 利用自熔性合金与非晶态材料的特点,研制了FeB系管状丝材作为电弧喷涂材料,其形成的涂层具有良好的结合强度、低的孔隙率、高的硬度和耐磨损性能。

    With a self fluxing capability and noncrystalline structure , cored wires of Fe B system for arc spraying have been developed and the resulted coatings possess good bonding strength , low porosity , high hardness and resistance to wear .

  7. 电弧喷涂材料主要包括实心丝材和粉芯丝材。

    Arc spraying materials include solid wire and cored wire .

  8. 探讨了一种应用高效免喷涂材料的感应重熔工艺。

    An induction remelting technique is introduced in this paper .

  9. 这种工艺适用的喷涂材料几乎涵盖了全部固体材料。

    This technique is suitable to almost all kinds of solid materials .

  10. 高渗透环氧树脂喷涂材料在水池防渗工程中的应用

    Application of highly permeable epoxy spray material in antiseepage of sewage tank

  11. 热喷涂材料切削加工参数的选择

    Selection of Machining Parameters for Cutting the Thermal Spraying Material

  12. 冷喷涂材料改性研究中超音速冲击射流流场数值分析

    Numerical simulation of supersonic jet field in cold spray technique for material modification

  13. 冷喷涂材料改性技术中粒子与基板结合过程的研究

    Bonding Processes of Particles and Substrate in the Cold Spray Technology to Transform Material Property

  14. 热喷涂材料数据库系统

    A database system of thermal spraying materials

  15. 热喷涂材料的发展现状

    The development status of thermal spray materials

  16. 提供技术支持、设备出租、喷涂材料、施工人员等一站式服务。

    Provide technical support , equipment rental , spraying materials , one-stop services such as construction workers .

  17. 冷喷涂材料改性气粉射流流动计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of gas particle jet in cold gas dynamic supersonic powder spraying technology for material modification

  18. 随着现代工业以及热喷涂材料和喷涂设备的发展,热喷涂技术得到了迅速发展。

    With the development of modern industrial , thermal spraying materials and equipments , thermal spray technology has developed rapidly .

  19. 本文介绍了一些重要热喷涂材料的涂层功能、生产现状、性能特点及相关技术。

    This article introduces the coating function , production status , characteristics and other relative technologies of some important thermal spray materials .

  20. 综述了等离子喷涂材料的制备工艺、组织分析和性能测定的研究应用现状。

    The summary has been conducted on the investigation and application status of preparation technology , analysis structure and measure properties in plasma spraying coating material .

  21. 在冷喷涂材料表面改性技术研究中,圆喷嘴气、固两相可压缩紊流射流的流场计算非常重要。

    In the cold gas dynamic supersonic powder spraying technology for material modification , the two phase turbulent numerical computation of the jet field is very important .

  22. 结果发现,在喷涂材料确定的条件下,热喷涂涂层与基体之间的结合强度主要取决于热喷涂工艺。

    The results indicate that the bonding strength of the coating and matrix is mainly effected by thermal spraying technology when the same raw powder is used .

  23. 指出了喷涂材料研究应用中仍然存在的问题,也是关键的问题,即涂层与基体的界面结合。

    It is pointed out that the improvement of cohesion properties of interface between coatings and substrate is a key in the research and application of plasma spraying material .

  24. 从喷涂材料的扩展和涂层结构的改造两个方面总结了钢结构表面热喷涂防腐技术的新进展。

    The new progress in thermal spraying technique for corrosion protection of large steel structures is summarized at two aspects : expanding the praying materials kind and rebuilding the coating construction .

  25. 介绍了在内燃机上已成功应用的各种功能涂层,内燃机部件常用的热喷涂材料及其相应的工艺特点;

    The functional coatings used succesfully in internal combustion engine and thermal spraying materials commonly used on the parts of internal combustion engine as well as the properties of corresponding technology are introduced .

  26. 因此,能否研制出可满足锅炉四管使用要求的、性能优异、成本低廉的铁基喷涂材料已经成为人们关注的重点。

    Therefore , how to develop an excellent performance and low cost Fe-base spray material to meet the application of the boiler tubes have been a noticeable focus in the field of material science .

  27. 指出粉芯丝材作为电弧喷涂材料新的发展方向,可以用其尝试获得非晶涂层、金属陶瓷涂层及纳米涂层。

    It is pointed that as the new development trend of the material for arc spraying , the powder cored wires can be tried to obtain the amorphous coating , metal ceramic coating and nanometer coating .

  28. 通过上述研究,不仅利用经浮选法脱炭的粉煤灰以及炭黑石墨混合导电填料对煤矿井下巷道喷涂材料配方进行了改进,而且为高炭粉煤灰的利用提供一条新的途径。

    Through the results above , we not only research on removing carbon fly ash mixed conductive filler and carbon black graphite coating material formulations for coal mine roadway improvements , but also provide a new way of using high-carbon fly ash .

  29. 这种涂层不但具有良好的耐磨蚀性能,而且与其他两种涂层相比,其突出优势在于低成本的喷涂材料和喷涂设备、简易的制备工艺以及方便现场操作等。

    Compared with the other two coatings , Fe / B-Fe coating not only had excellent performance , but also had outstanding features including low investment of materials and equipments , simple manufacturing process , and the convenience of operating inside boilers .

  30. 粉末冶金材料的静摩擦因数在0.1~0.2之间,并随压力的升高而降低;火焰喷涂材料与软材料配对时静摩擦因数大,与硬材料配对时静摩擦因数小;

    The powder metallurgy materials have the static friction coefficients of 0.1 0.2 which will decrease with the increase of pressure , and torch spray materials have the higher static friction coefficients when they contact with soft materials and lower ones when they contact with hard materials .