
shàn wàng
  • forgetful;amnesia;have short memories
善忘 [shàn wàng]
  • [forgetful;have short memories] 健忘

善忘[shàn wàng]
  1. 健忘是一种病态,善忘是一种境界。

    Being forgetful is morbid , but willing to forget is a grace .

  2. 有没有办法可以弥补我的善忘所造成的过失呢?

    Is there any way that I can make up for my forgetfulness ?

  3. 我喜欢一位朋友说的这句“善忘是一件好事。”

    I like a friend said this " forgetfulness is a good thing . "

  4. 我们很善忘和宽恕。

    We forgive and forget easy .

  5. 中老年记忆力减退,中医又称善忘、健忘。

    Memory declination in the middle and old aged people was called amnesia , forgetfulness in TCM .

  6. 金融市场向来善忘,但2008年留下的记忆不会那么快就消退。

    Memories are often short in financial markets but those of 2008 will take some time to fade .

  7. 我想这一定是与我的年纪有关,当然亦与男人的脑袋的构造有关&很善忘及有选择性的记忆。

    It must have something to do with my age , and of course , the make-up of a man 's brain & easy to forget and having selective memory .

  8. 善忘的露西脑袋天天重开机但我还是深爱她永远不会离开她就在我唱歌的当下她还希望我跟胖仔一样猛

    Forgetful Lucy Cracked her head like Gary Busey But I still love her so Even if while I 'm singing this song She 's wishing I had Jocko the Walus ' schlong