
shàn dài
  • Be kind;spoil;treat kindly/warmly/well
  1. 他应当受到雇主善待。

    He deserves well of his employers .

  2. 正如她在描述孔雀花时所写的,“那些没有得到荷兰主人善待的印第安人,用种子来堕胎,这样孩子们就不会像他们一样成为奴隶。

    As she wrote in her description of the peacock flower , " The Indians , who are not treated well by their Dutch masters , use the seeds to abort their children , so that they will not become slaves like themselves . "

  3. 我告诉爸爸发生的事情,他说我的老师可能是善待动物组织的成员。

    I told my dad what happend , and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA .

  4. 善待员工的商业价值在哪里?

    What 's the business case for treating workers well ?

  5. 善待,每一个和我们结缘的人;

    Be good to everyone who becomes attached to us ;

  6. 因此善待每个你遇到的人非常重要。

    That 's why being nice to everyone you meet is important .

  7. 于是我告诉他们:“如果你不能善待他人,就安静点。”

    I told them : “ If you can 't be nice , be quiet . ”

  8. 我希望人们都从这件事中学到去善待他人。泰尔对Tablet杂志记者说。

    I would love for people to use this as a lesson to just be good to each other , Theil said to Tablet .

  9. •另一份电子邮件讨论显示,2009年可口可乐(Coca-Cola)曾请Stratfor搜集动物保护组织“善待动物组织”(PeoplefortheEthicalTreatmentofAnimals,简称PETA)的情报。

    • Coca-Cola ( KO ) in 2009 asked Stratfor to gather information on the animal-rights group people for the ethical treatment of animals , according to another purported email discussion .

  10. 就好像CarrieBradshaw,我唯一的组织是“善待他人教会”&即便在那里,我认为自己的会员资格也失效了。

    Like Carrie Bradshaw , the only congregation I belonged to was " the Church of Be Nice to People " & and even there , I think my membership had lapsed .

  11. 我们从来没有养过属于自己的狗,因为NEMO,我们有了与狗相处的体验,被善待,被信任,被依赖。

    We never have dog our own so far , but because of NEMO , we got the experience with a dog , be friendly , be trusted , be depended .

  12. 多位名人都登上了善待动物组织(PETA)德国分部发布的海报广告,而这位年长的风流总理也成为最新加盟的一员。

    The aging lothario became the latest in a line of famous faces to feature in a poster campaign by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ' ( PETA ) German affiliate .

  13. 专家表示,要让自己感觉好一点,我们需要善待自己&对此有个专门的名词叫做自我同情(self-compassion),另外,还要保持乐观心态,学会积极看待事物。

    Experts say that to feel better you need to treat yourself kindly - this is called ' self-compassion ' - and focus on the positive , by being optimistic .

  14. 善待动物组织PETA的英国发言人米米·贝克奇说:“猴子是非常聪明的群居性动物,如果他们与家人分开就会变得异常孤独和抑郁。”

    Mimi Bekhechi , associate director of animal welfare charity Peta , told the Mirror : ' Monkeys are extremely social and highly intelligent animals who suffer from debilitating loneliness and depression when they 're separated from their families .

  15. 善待动物组织声称,欣嘉的死是由于二月底,海洋世界将她的伙伴--一头叫雪花的母熊--送到了匹兹堡动物园及PPG水族馆进行繁殖。

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says that Szenja died because SeaWorld sent her " best friend " - another female polar bear named Snowflake - away to the Pittsburgh Zoo And PPG Aquarium for a breeding visit in late February .

  16. 两周前,亚特兰大一家小企业主DarienSoutherland写信给我,讲述他祖母给他的教诲:如果你善待你的员工,他们也将善待你。

    And two weeks ago , an Atlanta small business owner named Darien Southerland wrote me to share a lesson his grandmother taught him - that if you treat your employees right , they 'll treat you right .

  17. 对待别人的方式,你要你像想要得到的善待一样善待他人。

    Treat other people the way you want to be treated .

  18. 鼓励雇主善待少数民族群体。

    Employers are encouraged to discriminate in favour of minority groups .

  19. 善待孩子他们会更自信吗?

    Do children react to kind treatment by becoming more self-confident ?

  20. 善待自然,天人和谐。

    Be kind to nature , and achieve harmony with nature .

  21. 为什么我们需要被劝说才能善待吃昆虫的动物?

    Why have we reason to be grateful to insect-eating animals ?

  22. 在那个时刻,请善待自己,因为你由此需要。

    Treat yourself nicely at that time because you need it .

  23. 只有善待农民,中国才能稳定和发展;

    Only treat the peasantry well , China can develop steadily ;

  24. 我们会象你对待我们一样善待你的。

    We 'll treat you as good as you treat us .

  25. 你善待别人,善待我。

    How you treated other people and how you treated me .

  26. 对图书馆职业精神的思考&从善待每一位读者谈起

    Thought on Library Professional Spirit & Talking from servicing every reader well

  27. 那位公爵善待地位低下的人。

    The duke did well by people in humble stations .

  28. 但是,只要我善待自己、爱謢自己。

    But as long as I am friendly and loving to myself .

  29. 一个人总是可以善待他毫不在意的人。

    One can always be kind to people one cares nothing about .

  30. 你要学会善待自己、宽容自己。

    You learn to be kind and forgiving to yourself .