
Research on Legal Problems in Delivery of Commercial Housing
On Delivery Condition of Commodity Housing
There is no clear regulation on the delivery conditions of commercial residential building in the law of China .
Such a protection will regulate the house delivery behaviors of the real estate developers , and will adapt the law to the various delivery circumstances .
Starting from analysis on its legal property , the author put forth his opinion centering on the litigable nature of final acceptance and records activity and its relationship .
By unscrambling of related provisions and analyzing the legislative purpose of legal norm on real estate industry , the regulations on the delivery conditions of commercial residential building are identified as mandatory provisions .
Answer : after commodity house consign is used , vendee thinks main body tractor dry mass is unqualified , can according to entrusts project quality to detect about the regulation the orgnaization is new nuclear check .
The nature of the regulations on the delivery conditions of commercial residential building , mandatory provision or arbitrary provision , determines whether the terms on delivery conditions stated by house purchasers and real estate developers are in effect or not .
With the content and legal nature of the delivery condition of commercial residential building confirmed , the real estate developer who delivers houses for use with the delivery conditions unmatched , is conclude to afford the responsibility of breaking the contract by late delivering .
This paper attempts to analyze the subjective and objective causes for the disputes concerned in terms of the conditions for delivery of marketable houses , the identification of force majeure and the implementation of plea rights and to put forth some proposals for settling the issue .
Completing and implementing the regulations on delivery conditions of commercial residential building need efforts in legislation , administration and judicature , for the purpose of making conditions of commercial residential building delivery clear and reducing the amount of legal disputes over the delivery of commercial residential buildings .
But in " Commercial housing Contract of sales ", more and more litigants chooses the synthesis approval qualified the condition which should satisfy as the commercial housing payment .
In the contract 's transaction of commercial housing sales , the house buyers have two core objectives . One is the delivery of commercial housing which matches conditions ;