
  • 网络Tang Dynasty music and dance;music and dance in the tang dynasty
  1. 唐代乐舞主要有两大形态,代表了阴柔阳刚两类舞蹈审美风格。

    It mainly includes two forms , representing the feminine and masculine styles .

  2. 唐代乐舞文化与乐舞诗综论

    The general survey of the music and dancing poetry and its culture in Tang Dynasty

  3. 唐代乐舞是中国古代舞蹈发展的巅峰。

    The Music and Dance in Tang Dynasty is the crown of Chinese ancient dance .

  4. 唐代乐舞艺术的高度发展,得益于唐朝的建立。

    The full development of Tang Dynasty Music-accompanied Dance is based on the foundation of the Dynasty .

  5. 继承和发展唐代乐舞,对于保护民族文化遗产、发展民族文化有着至关重要的历史和现实意义。

    To inherit and develop Music and Dance in Tang Dynasty is of essential historic and realistic significance in protecting national cultural legacies and developing national culture .

  6. 在唐墓壁画中的乐舞图里蕴含有大量的服饰图像资料,这些难能可贵的资料对于研究唐代乐舞伎服饰有着重大的意义。

    In the tang dynasty tomb figure to music murals containing a lot of dress image material , these valuable material to study music Ji dress in tang dynasty is of great significance .

  7. 高度繁荣的唐代乐舞艺术尤其以盛唐时期规模宏大、极尽奢华的宫廷乐舞为代表。

    High prosperity of music and dance art in the the flourishing Tang dynasty was especially represented by the large scale and best luxury imperial music and dance . The Tang dynasty palace has different function of music institutions and tens of thousands of musicians .

  8. 本论文主要以汉代至唐代西域乐舞在中原的传播为主要研究对象。

    This paper mainly focuses on the spread of music and dance of the western regions in the central plains from the Han dynasty to the Tang dynasty .

  9. 从艺术经济的角度看,唐代宫廷乐舞本身可视为是一种空前规模的乐舞生产,更是一项庞大复杂的文化产业,具有其独特的生产、流通、使用和消费等各环节。

    As a kind of unprecedented dance and music production , from the perspective of Economics of Art , the imperial dance and music itself is a vast and complex culture industry which has its unique production , circulation and use , the aspect of consumption .

  10. 一方面,使我们认识到唐代时期敦煌壁画乐舞的发展过程。

    On the one hand , makes us realize that the development process during the Tang Dynasty Music and Dance of the Dunhuang frescoes .

  11. 1988年为江西省滕王阁唐代馆创造的大型铜浮雕《唐代伎乐舞》(铜奖)落成。

    In1988 , finished the large scale relief sculpture " Dancing in Tang Dynasty "( Bronze Prize ) for the Tang Dynasty Hall of Tengwangge in Jiangxi .