
  1. 4符号论哲学的艺术创造论对翻译研究的意义。艺术语言学:哲学的反思

    The bearing of semiotic discussion about artistic creativity on translation studies . Artistic linguistics : reflection upon philosophy

  2. 困惑与彷徨:论新时期文学对阶级斗争人生哲学的艺术解构

    Perplexity and Hesitation : the Artistic Deconstruction of Class Struggle 's Life Philosophy in the Literature of the New Age

  3. 它是哲学的艺术向艺术的哲学转化的结果,是解读现代派作家和作品的关键所在。

    The metaphysical results from the conversion from philosophical art to the philosophy of art , therefore it is the key to the understanding of modernist writers and their works .

  4. 本文主要围绕《本源》,尤其是其真理与艺术部分,立意梳理海德格尔哲学的艺术创造之思的内容与特点。

    This dissertation which centers on Origin , especially centers on the part of " Truth and Art " of Origin , analyzes the contents and characteristics of Heidegger 's thinking on artistic creation in his philosophy .

  5. 在外国人看来,这是一门神秘而又古老的充满哲学思想的艺术。

    In the foreigner opinion , this is the mysterious and ancient full of philosophy of art .

  6. 人类认识包括认识对象和认识方法,而认识方法有哲学的、艺术的、科学的和人身的,它们都根植于人类的生命和生活。

    Awareness of the need for the object and method , see method of philosophy , art , science and the human body , which is built on the base of life .

  7. 论十七世纪英国哲学与文学的艺术结合

    The Integration of Philosophy and English Literature in the 17th Century

  8. 所以,探讨哲学与文学的艺术结合对研究文学的发展有重大的意义。

    So the discussion on the integration of philosophy and literature has the far reaching meaning in the study of literature .

  9. 艺术是哲学的体现,艺术总是借助它本身特有的形式来昭示一定的文化心理,表现出这种文化意识的深层基础。

    Art is the reflection of philosophy and reflects certain cultural psychology by its own way and expresses the deep foundation of this cultural consciousness .

  10. 专业知识赋予他们发展的起点,人文修养赋予他们哲学的深度与艺术的高度。

    Their expert knowledge will give them the ground to start from , and their culture will lead them as deep as philosophy and as high as art .

  11. 我相信心理学才是心智的科学,逻辑学是心智的技术,哲学是心智的艺术。

    I don 't quite agree , and I believe that it 's psychology that shall be defined as so , and logic as the skill of mind , and philosophy as the art of mind .

  12. 论哲学绪论部分的教学艺术

    Teaching Art of Philosophy " Introduction "

  13. 《艺术作品的本源》一文,正是海德格尔基于他的存在哲学所展开的关于艺术的思考。

    The thought on art in the " The Origin of the Work of art " exactly germinal out from his philosophical thinking .

  14. 因为石涛站在哲学的角度论述绘画艺术的理论问题,创建了自己的绘画审美体系。

    From a philosophy angle , Shi Tao elaborated on theoretical problems of painting and set up his own painting system and aesthetic notion .